Below, you can find information on the compliance status of the Electric Service Companies certified by the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau in accordance with the provisions of Regulation No. 8701, Amendment to Regulation No. 8618, on Certifications, Annual Charges and Plans Operational of Electric Service Companies in Puerto Rico.

wdt_ID Compañia Número de Certificación Fecha de Expedición Certificación Certificado Tipo de Servicio Generación Capacidad (MW) Informe Operacional Informe de Ingresos Brutos (Año Fiscal 2017) Estados Financieros (Año Fiscal 2017) Pago de Cargo Anual (Año Fiscal 2017)

This graph shows the number of Electric Service companies certified by the Energy Bureau, according to the type of service they offer.

This graph shows the power generation capacity of the Electric Service Companies certified by the Energy Bureau, according to the type of resource for the generation.

The information is displayed in terms of megawatts (MW) installed and in percentage terms.