The Puerto Rico Energy Bureau (PREB) is the independent and specialized body created by Act 57-2014, as amended, to serve as key component for the full and transparent implementation of the Energy Reform. Specifically, the PREB has the responsibility to regulate, monitor and enforce the energy public policy of the Government of Puerto Rico.
To achieve a reliable, efficient and transparent electric system, which provides power services at reasonable prices.
Powers, Duties and Responsibilities
The Puerto Rico Energy Bureau will have among its powers, duties and responsibilities:
- Oversee and ensure execution and implementation of the public policy on the electric power service of the Government of Puerto Rico.
- Establish by regulations the public policy rules regarding electric power service companies, as well as any transaction, action or omission in connection with the electric power grid and the electric power infrastructure of Puerto Rico, and implement such public policy rules.
- Establish and implement regulations and the necessary regulatory actions to guarantee the capacity, reliability, safety, efficiency, and reasonability of electricity rates of Puerto Rico.
- Oversee the quality and reliability of the electric power services provided by PREPA and any other electric power company certified in Puerto Rico.
- Review and approve and, if applicable, modify the rates or fees charged by electric power service companies in Puerto Rico in connection with any matter directly or indirectly related to the provision of electric power services.
- Ensure that the powers and authorities exercised by the Energy Bureau over PREPA, including those related to rate review or approval, guarantee that PREPA meets its obligations to bondholders.
- Address cases and controversies related to compliance by the municipalities, government agencies, and other public and private sectors with the public policy on energy conservation and efficiency, and grant the proper remedies to ensure the implementation of and compliance with said policy.
- Oversee and address cases and controversies related to the implementation of the mandates established in Act No. 83 of May 2, 1941, known as the “Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Act”.
- Review and approve policies and strategic plans, as well as short-, medium-, and long-term plans in connection with energy resources integrated planning in Puerto Rico, and oversee compliance therewith.
- Take any necessary action, in conjunction with the Environmental Quality Board and other regulatory agencies, to regularly evaluate, oversee, and ensure that every certified electric power company complies with Federal and Commonwealth environmental regulations, and with any applicable Federal law.
- Regulate the wheeling mechanism in the Government of Puerto Rico in accordance with the applicable laws; review and approve minimum technical requirements (MTRs), additional technical requirements (ATRs), and any other type of requirement established by PREPA for the interconnection of distributed generators to the electric power grid, and oversee compliance therewith.
- Establish the standards or parameters for facilities or power plants of generating companies that guarantee the efficiency and reliability of the electric service or any other parameter of efficiency that is consistent with the best practices of the electrical industry that the Energy Bureau considers necessary and that is recognized by governmental or non-governmental entities specialized in the electric service and supervise compliance with said standards or parameters.
- Establish reliability standards for the electric power grid of Puerto Rico in accordance with the parameters recognized by governmental and nongovernmental organizations specialized in electric power service, and oversee compliance therewith.
- Gather and analyze any kind of timely and reliable information on the generation, distribution, use, and consumption of energy, whether by using oil and/or its byproducts such as fuel, through the use of natural gas, renewable energy sources, waste conversion, and any other mechanism or technology that may be used as an energy resource.
- Ensure ongoing communication and information sharing between the Energy Bureau, the U.S. Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), FERC, and any Federal agency or office with jurisdiction over energy affairs.
- Identify and form partnerships with international organizations or associations specialized in energy affairs and regulations that are willing to collaborate and provide the Energy Bureau with assistance in the execution of its powers and functions.
- File resources, issue orders, and seek and grant any legal remedies that may be necessary to enforce the provisions of this Act, as well as its rules, regulations, orders, and determinations.
- Assess any report prepared by the Partnership Committee and preliminary contracts regarding any Transaction of PREPA, pursuant Act 120-2018, and issue an Energy Compliance Certificate if it fulfills the energy public policy and regulatory framework.