Aviso sobre Propuesta de Enmienda a Reglamento Núm. 8543, Reglamento de Procedimientos Adjudicativos, Avisos de Incumplimiento, Revisión de Tarifas e Investigaciones.
December 16, 2020
PREB Approved IRP
February 9, 2021The Puerto Rico Energy Bureau of the Public Service Regulatory Board (“Energy Bureau”), pursuant Act 57-2014, as amended, known as the Puerto Rico Energy Transformation and RELIEF Act, Act 147-2019, known as the Special Act on Expedited Administrative Processes for Senior Citizens, and Act 38-2017, as amended, known as the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act of the Government of Puerto Rico, proposes to amend Regulation No. 8543, Regulation on Adjudicative, Notice of Noncompliance, Rate Review and Investigation Procedures.
On October 11, 2019, the Energy Bureau published an amendment proposal of Regulation No. 8543 (“Proposed Amendment”) with the purpose of addressing the organizational changes pursuant to the Reorganizational Plan of the Puerto Rico Public Service Regulatory Board and Act 211-2018, known as the Act for the Implementation of the Puerto Rico Public Service Regulatory Board Reorganization Plan. Also, the Proposed Amendment contained provisions intended to ensure that administrative processes for Senior Citizens are carried out within shorter periods of time.
Based on the amendments recently introduces to Act 38-2017, with the benefit of comments received regarding the Proposed Amendment, and with the experience of nearly six years of the implementation of Regulation No. 8543, the Energy Bureau published a Revised Proposed Amendment. Said revision has the intention, among other issues, of addressing the amendments introduced by Act 38-2017 and adopting more flexible rules to ensure easy access to the Energy Bureau as an administrative forum.
The text of the Revised Proposed Amendment is available for public scrutiny at the Energy Bureau’s Clerk Office, in the World Plaza Building, 268 Muñoz Rivera Ave., Plaza Level Suite 202, Hato Rey, PR 00918. The working hours of the Energy Bureau are between 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., on business days. The Revised Proposed Amendment will also be published along this Notice on the Energy Bureau’s Internet website, www.energia.pr.gov.
Any interested person can submit written comments regarding the Revised Proposed Amendment on or before January 15, 2021. Comments must be addressed to the attention of Edison Avilés Deliz, Chairman, and shall be filed by electronic mail at: comentarios@energia.pr.gov; through the Energy Bureau’s electronic filing tool at: https://radicacion.energia.pr.gov/; by postal mail addressed to the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau’s Clerk’s Office at World Plaza Building, 268 Muñoz Rivera Ave., Plaza Level Suite 202, San Juan, PR 00918; or in person at the Energy Bureau’s Clerk’s Office, located at the referenced address.
The Energy Bureau will hold a virtual public hearing on January 11, 2021, at 2:00p.m. Any person interested in submitting comments during the public hearing shall contact the Energy Bureau’s Clerk at (787) 523-6262 or via email to secretaria@energia.pr.gov to request a turn and obtain instructions and a link to access the virtual public hearing.