Notice Concerning an Amendment Proposal to a Regulation
April 18, 2016Notice Concerning Public Hearing on the Integrated Resources Plan for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
June 7, 2016On April 7, 2016, the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Revitalization Corporation (“Corporation”) filed before the Puerto Rico Energy Commission (“Commission”) a Petition for a Restructuring Order (“Petition”) pursuant to Article 6.25A of the Energy Transformation and RELIEF Act, Act No. 57-2014 (“Act 57-2014”), as amended by the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Revitalization Act, Act No. 4-2016 (“Act 4-2016”). The Petition seeks Commission approval of the imposition of a Transition Charge and Adjustment Mechanism in relation to the issuance of certain Restructuring Bonds, as such terms are defined in Act 4-2016, known as the “Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Revitalization Act”.
Sub-section (f) of Article 6.25A of Act 57-2014 provides that the Commission shall hold public hearings as part of its evaluation of the Corporation’s Petition. Pursuant to Article 6.25A of Act 57-2014, the Commission will hold two (2) types of public hearings, which may last for more than one day. The first public hearing shall be a technical hearing during which the Corporation and intervenors may participate and ask questions regarding the Petition and the intervenor’s pre-filed testimonies. The technical hearing will be held on May 24, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. at the Hearing Room of the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board, located at Edificio de Agencias Ambientales Cruz A. Matos, Ave. Ponce de León 1375, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The second hearing shall be a public comment hearing during which any person other than an intervenor shall have the opportunity to comment on the Petition and the evaluation process. The public comment hearing shall be held on May 31, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at the Hearing Room of the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board, located at Edificio de Agencias Ambientales Cruz A. Matos, Ave. Ponce de León 1375, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Those persons wishing to participate during the public comments hearing may reserve their turn by sending an email to
Any person, other than intervenors, who wish to file written comments may do so on or before June 6, 2016 via email at or send them via regular mail or hand delivery to Commission’s offices, located at World Plaza, 268 Muñoz Rivera Ave., Suite 702, San Juan, PR 00918. Comments must be addressed to the Commission’s Chairman, Agustín F. Carbó Lugo and to the attention of Alejandro Figueroa.
The Petition and all accompanying documents are available for public scrutiny through the Commission’s website (, or at the Commission’s offices, located in the World Plaza, 268 Muñoz Rivera Ave., Suite 702, San Juan, PR 00918. The Commission’s working hours are between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., on business days. In addition, in accordance with Article 6.25A(f) of Act 57-2014, as amended a copy of this notice, the filed Petition and the supporting documents submitted to Puerto Rico Energy Commission are posted on the websites of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Revitalization Corporation (, The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (, and the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico (
Subsection (f) of Article 6.25A of Act 57-2014 requires the publication of this notice. Authorized by the State Elections Commission: CEE-SA-16-10410.