
Expediente: CEPR-AP-2018-0001
Review of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Integrated Resource Plan
Documentos Publicados: 632
Documentos Fecha Orden Descargar
Notice of Withdrawal as Attorney of Record Asunto: Notice of Withdrawal as Attorney of Record 10/octubre/2023 2023/10/10 Documento
Notice of Withdrawal of Attorney of Record Asunto: Notice of Withdrawal of Attorney of Record 15/febrero/2023 2023/02/15 Documento
LECO’s Motion to Set Aside the August 3rd Order in Docket NEPR-MI-2021-0003 Asunto: Determination for the Establishment of a P3 for a New CCGT Which Can be Converted to Burn Hydrogen at Any Location in Puerto Rico 29/agosto/2022 2022/08/29 Documento
Motion to Submit Final Hydro Study and June 2021 Monthly Status Report and Request for Confidentiality Designation Asunto: Hydroelectric Study; Memorandum for Confidentiality 30/junio/2021 2021/06/30 Documento
Motion to Submit BI-Annual Status Report of the Authority’s Retirement Plan and Expected Capacity Resource Balance Asunto: Report of the Authority’s Retirement Plan 17/mayo/2021 2021/05/17 Documento
Motion to Submit April 2021 Monthly Status Report on Hydro Study and Memorandum for Confidentiality Asunto: Monthly Status Report on Hydroelectric Study;  Memorandum for Confidentiality 07/mayo/2021 2021/05/07 Documento
Motion to Supplement the March 2021 Monthly Status Report, Memorandum for Confidentiality Asunto: Supplement to Hydroelectric Study Monthly Status Report, Memorandum for Confidentiality 09/abril/2021 2021/04/09 Documento
Motion to Submit March 2021 Status Report Asunto: Hydroelectric Facilities Study Monthly Status Report 01/abril/2021 2021/04/01 Documento
Motion to Submit Monthly Status Report Asunto: Hydroelectric Facilities Study Monthly Status Report 26/febrero/2021 2021/02/26 Documento
Motion to Submit Status Report of Feasibility Study for Improvement of PREPA’S Hydroelectric System and to Request Extension of Time to Submit Final Study Asunto: Hydroelectric Facilities Refurbishing Feasibility Study 22/febrero/2021 2021/02/22 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Amendments to confidential designation of specific exhibits 12/febrero/2021 2021/02/12 Documento
Report on Preliminary Work for a New Combined Cycle Power Plant al Palo Seco Asunto: Preliminary work for a new combined cycle power plant at Palo Seco 15/enero/2021 2021/01/15 Documento
Apostille of Attestation of Rebuttal Testimony of Nelson Bacalao, Ph. D. in Support of PREPA’s Draft Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: PREPA’S Rebuttal Testimony 02/enero/2021 2021/01/02 Documento
Motion to Submit Demand Response Status Report in Compliance with the Final Resolution on Reconsiderations Asunto: Demand Response Status Report Presentation 30/diciembre/2020 2020/12/30 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Motion for Leave to Withdraw as Counsel for  Arctas Capital Group, LP 16/diciembre/2020 2020/12/16 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution on Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion Requesting Public Participation in the Integrated Resource Plan Implementation Process; Instituto de Competitividad y Sostenibilidad Económica de Puerto Rico’s Motion […] 15/diciembre/2020 2020/12/15 Documento
Final Resolution on Reconsiderations Asunto: Ruling on Motions for Reconsideration of the Final Resolution and Order on the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan 02/diciembre/2020 2020/12/02 Documento
Motion in Support of Local Environmental Organizations Request of Public Participation in the Integrated Resource Plan Implementation Process Asunto: Motion in Support 20/noviembre/2020 2020/11/20 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion Requesting Public Participation In The Integrated Resource Plan Implementation Asunto: Integrated Resource Plan Implementation 17/noviembre/2020 2020/11/17 Documento
Instituto de Competitividad y Sostenibilidad Económica de Puerto Rico (ICSE) Motion in Support of Local Environmental Organizations Motion Requesting Public Participation in the IRP Implementation Process Asunto: Integrated Resource Plan Implementation 17/noviembre/2020 2020/11/17 Documento
Reply to Local Environmental Organizations’ Opposition to VF/EIF’s Petition for Intervention Asunto: Final Resolution and Order on Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan 11/noviembre/2020 2020/11/11 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Opposition to VF/EIF’s Motion to Intervene Asunto: Motion in Opposition to VF/EIF’s Motion to Intervene 30/octubre/2020 2020/10/30 Documento
Motion for Leave to Withdraw as Counsel For Arctas Capital Group, LP Asunto: Motion for leave to withdraw as counsel for Arctas Capital Group, LP 28/octubre/2020 2020/10/28 Documento
Opposition to Belated Petition for Intervention of V-Financial LLC and EIF PR Resource Recovery LLC Asunto: V-Financial LLC and EIF PR Resource Recovery LLC Petition for Intervention 26/octubre/2020 2020/10/26 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion Requesting that PREB Enforce the Approved Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: Motion Requesting that PREB Enforce the Approved Integrated Resource Plan 20/octubre/2020 2020/10/20 Documento
Resolución y Orden Asunto: Aprobación de Traducción 09/octubre/2020 2020/10/09 Documento
Windmar, PV Properties, Coto Laurel Solar Farm Reply to PREPA’s Opposition to Requests for a Reconsideration of Certain Determinations Made in the IRP Resolution Asunto: Final Resolution and Order on the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan 07/octubre/2020 2020/10/07 Documento
Petition for Intervention Asunto: Final Resolution and Order on Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan 05/octubre/2020 2020/10/05 Documento
Opposition of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority to Request for Reconsideration of Certain Determinations Made in the Final IRP Resolution Asunto: Final Resolution and Order 04/octubre/2020 2020/10/04 Documento
Second Request for Technical Conference Asunto: Procurement Plan 02/octubre/2020 2020/10/02 Documento
Motion to Strike Motion for Reconsideration of V-Financial LLC and EIF PR Resource Recovery LLC Asunto: Final Resolution and Order on Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan 28/septiembre/2020 2020/09/28 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Request for Reconsideration of Final Resolution and Order on the Puerto Rico Power Authority Integrated Resource Plan 25/septiembre/2020 2020/09/25 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Response to Motion for Reconsideration by V-Financial LLC and EIF PR Resource Recovery LLC Asunto: Response to Motion for Reconsideration 23/septiembre/2020 2020/09/23 Documento
Presentation of Status Report on the Development of PREPA’s Draft Procurement Plan Asunto: Procurement Plan 23/septiembre/2020 2020/09/23 Documento
AES-Puerto Rico Opposition to Leos’ Motion for Reconsideration Asunto: AES-Puerto Rico Opposition to Leos’ Motion for Reconsideration 17/septiembre/2020 2020/09/17 Documento
SESA-Motion for Partial Reconsideration of Final Resolution & Order in Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: Partial Reconsideration 14/septiembre/2020 2020/09/14 Documento
LEO-Motion for Reconsideration of the Final Resolution and Order Asunto: Motion for Reconsideration 14/septiembre/2020 2020/09/14 Documento
Empire- Motion Requesting Partial Reconsideration of Final Resolution Asunto: Final Resolution and Order on the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan 13/septiembre/2020 2020/09/13 Documento
VF-Motion for Reconsideration Asunto: Final Resolution and Order on Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan 11/septiembre/2020 2020/09/11 Documento
WindMar-Motion for Partial Reconsideration Asunto: Final Resolution and Order on Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrates Resource Plan 10/septiembre/2020 2020/09/10 Documento
Final Resolution and Order on the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: Final Resolution and Order on the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan 24/agosto/2020 2020/08/24 Documento
Communication from PREPA’s Governing Board in Further Support to the Urgent Motion for Final Resolution and Order Approving PREPA’s Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: Final Resolution and Order 03/agosto/2020 2020/08/03 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Leave to Execute Contract Release Number 17 08/julio/2020 2020/07/08 Documento
Moción de Organizaciones Ambientales Locales para Presentar Alegato en el Idioma Español Asunto: Moción para Presentar Alegato en el Idioma Español 08/junio/2020 2020/06/08 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion Requesting Administrative Notice of Recent Agency Decisions Asunto: Motion Requesting Administrative Notice of Recent Agency Decisions 29/mayo/2020 2020/05/29 Documento
Opposition to Motion to Strike Not for Profit Intervenors Amended Motion to Submit Reply to Final Brief Asunto: Motion to Strike Not for Profit Intervenors Amended Motion to Submit Reply to Final Brief 29/mayo/2020 2020/05/29 Documento
Motion to Strike Not for Profit Intervenors Amended Motion to Submit Reply to Final Briefs Asunto: Motion to Strike Not for Profit Intervenors Amended Motion to Submit Reply to Final Briefs 28/mayo/2020 2020/05/28 Documento
Amended Motion to Submit Reply to Final Briefs Asunto: Reply to Final Brief 27/mayo/2020 2020/05/27 Documento
Motion to Strike Not for Profit Intervenors Reply to Final Briefs Asunto: Motion to Strike Not for Profit Intervenors Reply to Final Briefs 27/mayo/2020 2020/05/27 Documento
Motion to Submit Reply to Final Briefs Asunto: Reply to Final Briefs 26/mayo/2020 2020/05/26 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Response to PREPA’s Revised Request for Leave to Execute Seventeenth Contract Release Asunto: Response to PREPA’s Revised Request for Leave to Execute Seventeenth Contract Release 26/mayo/2020 2020/05/26 Documento
Request for Leave to Execute Seventeenth Contract Release Asunto: Siemens Industry, Inc. Contract Releases 26/mayo/2020 2020/05/26 Documento
Motion to Withdraw Request for Leave to Execute Seventeenth Contract Release Asunto: Siemens Industry, Inc. Contract Releases 26/mayo/2020 2020/05/26 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Confidential Treatment for Exhibits Attached to the Production of Documents in Response to Information Request Made During IRP Evidentiary Hearings 13/mayo/2020 2020/05/13 Documento
Supplemental Response in Compliance with April 28, 2020 Resolution and Order Asunto: Discovery 01/mayo/2020 2020/05/01 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Unopposed Request for Brief Extension of Time to Comply with April 28, 2020 Resolution and Order 01/mayo/2020 2020/05/01 Documento
Unopposed Request for Brief Extension of Time to Comply with April 28, 2020 Resolution and Order Asunto: Discovery 01/mayo/2020 2020/05/01 Documento
Motion in Partial Compliance with April 28, 2020 Resolution and Order Asunto: Discovery 01/mayo/2020 2020/05/01 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Motion to Quash Local Environmental Organizations Disallowed Discovery. 28/abril/2020 2020/04/28 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Response to PREPA’s Motion to Quash Asunto: Response to PREPA’s Motion to Quash 24/abril/2020 2020/04/24 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Confidential Treatment for Exhibits Attached to the Production of Documents in Response to Information Request Made During IRP Evidentiary Hearings 23/abril/2020 2020/04/23 Documento
Motion to Quash Local Environmental Organizations Disallowed Discovery Asunto: Discovery 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
Empire Gas Company, Inc. Reply to PREPA’s Final Brief Asunto: Empire Gas Company, Inc. final brief 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
Arctas Reply to Legal Briefs Asunto: Arctas Capital Group, LP Reply to Final Substantive and Legal Briefs 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
AES Puerto Rico’s Post-Hearing Reply Brief Asunto: AES Puerto Rico LP Post-Hearing Reply Brief 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Reply Brief in Support of the Proposed Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: Final Substantive Legal Brief 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
Motion to Submit Reply to Final Briefs Asunto: Reply to Final Briefs 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Reply Brief Asunto: Reply Brief 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
Reply Brief of Environmental Defense Fund Asunto: Reply Brief 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
Sunrun Brief in Compliance with Order Asunto: Topics Identified During Public Comment Process 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
Réplica a Alegatos de las Partes Interventoras Asunto: Réplica a Alegatos de las Partes Interventoras 20/abril/2020 2020/04/20 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Leave to Execute Contract Release Number 16 17/abril/2020 2020/04/17 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Deadline for Reply to Final Briefs 15/abril/2020 2020/04/15 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Leave to Execute Contract Release Number 15 19/marzo/2020 2020/03/19 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Motion for Leave to Withdraw as Counsel for Progression Energy 13/marzo/2020 2020/03/13 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Extension of Time to File Replies to Legal Briefs. 13/marzo/2020 2020/03/13 Documento
PREPA-Reply in Support to Request for Extension of Time to File Reply to Legal Briefs Asunto: Reply in Support to Request for Extension of Time to File Reply to Legal Briefs 12/marzo/2020 2020/03/12 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Confidential Designation for Documents Produced in compliance with February 24, 2020 Order 12/marzo/2020 2020/03/12 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion Responding to Request for Reply Brief Extension Asunto: Motion Responding to PREPA’s Request for Reply Brief Extension 12/marzo/2020 2020/03/12 Documento
PREPA-Memorandum of Law Requesting Confidential Treatment for Exhibits Attached to the Production of Documents in Response to Information Requests Made During IRP Evidentiary Hearings Asunto: Memorandum of Law Requesting Confidential Treatment for Exhibits Attached to the Production of Documents in Response to Information Requests Made During IRP Evidentiary Hearings 12/marzo/2020 2020/03/12 Documento
PREPA-Production of Documents in Response to Information Requests Made During IRP Evidentiary Hearings Asunto: Production of Documents in Response to Information Requests Made During IRP Evidentiary Hearings 12/marzo/2020 2020/03/12 Documento
Request for extension of Time to File Reply to Legal Briefs Asunto: Reply to Legal Brief 11/marzo/2020 2020/03/11 Documento
Alegato de la OIPC como Parte Interventora Asunto: Alegato de la Oficina Independiente de Protección al Consumidor (OIPC) como Parte Interventora 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
ICSE and the Other Not for Profit Intervenors ( Together the not Profit Entities) Closing Argument and Brief Asunto: Final Brief 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
Final Substantive Brief by Sunrun Asunto: Final Brief 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
Brief of Environmental Defense Fund Asunto: Final Brief 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
Motion for Leave to Withdraw as Counsel for Progression Energy Asunto: Petition of Progression Energy to Intervene 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
Final Substantive and Legal Brief of Wärtsilä North America, Inc. Asunto: Final Substantive and Legal Brief of Wärtsilä North America, Inc. 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
Empire Gas Company, Inc. Final Brief Asunto: Empire Gas Company, Inc. Final Brief 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
PREPA-Final Brief in Support of the Proposed Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: Final Substantive Legal Brief 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
Arctas Final Substantive and Legal Brief Asunto: Arctas  Capital Group, LP Final Substantive and Legal Brief 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
Local Environmental Organization’s Legal Brief Asunto: Legal Brief 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
AES Puerto Rico’s Post-Hearing Brief Asunto: AES Puerto Rico’s Post-Hearing Brief 06/marzo/2020 2020/03/06 Documento
Acta Vista Pública – Ponce Asunto: Comentarios recibidos en la Vista Pública (Ponce – 25 de febrero de 2020) 04/marzo/2020 2020/03/04 Documento
Acta Vista Pública – Mayagüez Asunto: Comentarios recibidos en Vista Pública (Mayagüez – 22 de febrero de 2020) 04/marzo/2020 2020/03/04 Documento
Acta Vista Pública – Humacao Asunto: Comentarios recibidos en Vista Pública (Humacao – 19 de febrero de 2020) 04/marzo/2020 2020/03/04 Documento
Acta Vista Pública – Arecibo Asunto: Comentarios recibidos en Vista Pública (Arecibo – 13 de febrero de 2020) 04/marzo/2020 2020/03/04 Documento
Acta Vista Pública – San Juan Asunto: Comentarios recibidos en Vista Pública (San Juan – 11 de febrero de 2020) 04/marzo/2020 2020/03/04 Documento
Comentarios Público Asunto: Comentarios Públicos recibidos desde el 1 al 3 de marzo de 2020 03/marzo/2020 2020/03/03 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Topic identified during the Public Comment Process to be addressed by parties 03/marzo/2020 2020/03/03 Documento
Comentario Público Asunto: Comentario Público recibido el 28 de febrero de 2020. 28/febrero/2020 2020/02/28 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Extension of Final Substantive and Legal Briefs and Reply to Legal Briefs Deadlines 28/febrero/2020 2020/02/28 Documento
PREPA-Motion in Compliance with Order Dated February 24,2020 Asunto: Motion in Compliance with the February 24 Order 28/febrero/2020 2020/02/28 Documento
PREPA-Memorandum of Law Requesting Confidential Treatment for Documents Produced in Compliance with Orden Asunto: Request for Confidential Designation and Treatment 28/febrero/2020 2020/02/28 Documento
Comentario Público Asunto: Comentario Público recibido 27 de febrero de 2020 27/febrero/2020 2020/02/27 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion to Compel Production of Documents Required by Energy Bureau Order 24/febrero/2020 2020/02/24 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Motion to Compel Complete Discovery Responses by AES-PR; AES Puerto Rico’s Opposition to the LEO’s Motion to Compel Discovery Responses 24/febrero/2020 2020/02/24 Documento
Resolution Asunto: EcoEléctrica, L.P.’s Motion to Supplement the Record 24/febrero/2020 2020/02/24 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Arctas Capital Group, LP Informative Motion Presenting Recommendations for the Proposed Approval of the EcoEléctrica Agreements 24/febrero/2020 2020/02/24 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Noncompliance with the January 29 Resolution and Order 24/febrero/2020 2020/02/24 Documento
PREPA- Motion to Inform PREPA’s Responses to ICPO’s February 19, 2020 Motion Requesting Additional Information Asunto: Discovery 24/febrero/2020 2020/02/24 Documento
Comentario Público Asunto: Comentarios Públicos recibidos el 24 de febrero de 2020 24/febrero/2020 2020/02/24 Documento
Motion from Local Environmental Organizations to Compel PREPA to Produce Aurora Modeling Files in Compliance with Puerto Rico Energy Bureau Order of January 29, 2020 Asunto: Motion to Compel Production of Documents Required by Energy Bureau Order 20/febrero/2020 2020/02/20 Documento
OIPC- Motion Requesting PREPA Additional Information Asunto: Request of Additional Information 19/febrero/2020 2020/02/19 Documento
Comentarios Públicos Asunto: Comentarios Públicos recibidos desde el 4 de febrero de 2020 hasta el 18 de febrero de 2020. 18/febrero/2020 2020/02/18 Documento
Arctas Capital Group, LP Informative Motion Presenting Recommendations for the Proposed Approval of the EcoEléctrica Agreements Asunto: Arctas Capital Group, LP Informative Motion Presenting Recommendations for the Proposed Approval of the EcoEléctrica Agreements 13/febrero/2020 2020/02/13 Documento
ARCTAs Capital Group, LP Informative Motion Presenting Recommendations for the Proposed Approval of the EcoEléctrica Agreements Asunto: ARCTAs Capital Group, LP Informative Motion Presenting Recommendations for the Proposed Approval of the EcoEléctrica Agreements 13/febrero/2020 2020/02/13 Documento
AES Puerto Rico’s Opposition to the Leos’Motion to Compel Discovery Responses Asunto: Opposition to Motion to /compel Discovery Filed by Local Environmental Organizations 12/febrero/2020 2020/02/12 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Motion by Local Environmental Organizations Seeking One-Week Extension to Briefing Schedule 11/febrero/2020 2020/02/11 Documento
LEO-Motion to Compel Complete Discovery Response by AES-PR Asunto: Motion to Compel Discovery Responses by AES-PR llc 10/febrero/2020 2020/02/10 Documento
Motion by Local Environmental Organizations Seeking One-Week Extension to Briefing Schedule Asunto: Motion Seeking Extension to Briefing Schedule 10/febrero/2020 2020/02/10 Documento
Request of Information to Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority from Local Environmental Organizations, In Accordance with the Bureau’s Order Asunto: Request of Information from Local Environmental Organizations 10/febrero/2020 2020/02/10 Documento
EDF-Motion Requesting PREPA Additional Information as Agreed in Evidentiary Hearing Asunto: Request of Additional Information 07/febrero/2020 2020/02/07 Documento
Progression Energy-Informative Motion Asunto: Petition of Progression Energy to Intervene 05/febrero/2020 2020/02/05 Documento
EcoElectrica, LP’s Motion to Supplement the Record Asunto: Evidentiary Hearing 05/febrero/2020 2020/02/05 Documento
PREPA-Request to Include Dr. Marcelo Saenz in Evidentiary Hearings Panel C, I snd J Asunto: Evidentiary Hearing Witnesses 01/febrero/2020 2020/02/01 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution on Progression Energy’s Urgent Motion for Expert Witness to Appear via Video Conference or Telephone 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution on Urgent Motion to Excuse Witness 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution to admit into the administrative record the corrected rebuttal testimony of Nelson Bacalao, filed by the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
PREPA- Urgent Motion to Excuse Witness Asunto: Evidentiary Hearing Witnesses 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
EDF-Urgent Motion Requesting PREPA to Submit Additional Evidence Asunto: Request of Additional Evidence from PREPA 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
PREPA-Motion in Compliance with Order Dates January 29, 2020 Asunto: LEO’s Response Identifying Documents as Confidential by PREPA 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
Progression Energy-Urgent Motion for Expert Witness to Appear Via Video Conference or Telephone Asunto: Petition of Progression Energy  to Intervene 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution on the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Request to Include Additional Witnesses for Evidentiary Hearing Panels 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution on Progression Energy’s Urgent Motion for Expert Witness to Appear via Video Conference or Telephone 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution on Urgent Motion to Excuse Witness 31/enero/2020 2020/01/31 Documento
PREPA- Request to Include Eng. Gary F. Soto Fernández as Witness in Panel A of Evidentiary Hearing Asunto: Evidentiary Hearing Witnesses 30/enero/2020 2020/01/30 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution on Not for Profit Intervenor’s Request for Reconsideration 30/enero/2020 2020/01/30 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Empire Gas Companie’s Motion Requesting Rescheduling of Witness Appearance 30/enero/2020 2020/01/30 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Motion for Substitution of Counsel for AES Puerto Rico, L.P. 30/enero/2020 2020/01/30 Documento
Notice of National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation Regarding Evidentiary Hearing Participation Asunto: Notice of National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation Regarding Evidentiary Hearing Participation 29/enero/2020 2020/01/29 Documento
Motion for Substitution of Counsel for AES-Puerto Rico, L.P. Asunto: AES-PR 29/enero/2020 2020/01/29 Documento
Not for Profit-Motion for Reconsideration Asunto: Not for Profit Intervenors’ Motion Submitting Supplemental Testimony 29/enero/2020 2020/01/29 Documento
PREPA- Request to Include Additional Witnesses for Evidentiary Hearing Panels Asunto: Evidentiary Hearing Witnesses 29/enero/2020 2020/01/29 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution and Order on Local Environmental Organization’s Response Identifying Documents Designated as Confidential by PREPA; and on the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Notice of Intent […] 29/enero/2020 2020/01/29 Documento
Empire Gas- Motion requesting Rescheduling of Witness Appearance Asunto: Empire Gas Companie’s Motion reschedule appearance 28/enero/2020 2020/01/28 Documento
PREPA- Motion in Compliance with Order Date January 24,2020 Asunto: PREPA’s Corrected Rebuttal Testimony of Nelson Bacalao Ph. D. in Support of PREPA’s Draft Integrated Resource Plan 28/enero/2020 2020/01/28 Documento
Orden Asunto: Not Profit Intervenors’ Motion Submitting Supplemental Testimony 27/enero/2020 2020/01/27 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Environmental Defense Fund Motion for Evidentiary Hearing Appearance Scheduling 27/enero/2020 2020/01/27 Documento
Windmar-Opposition to PREPA’s Request for Clarification Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Clarification 27/enero/2020 2020/01/27 Documento
PREPA-Notice of Intent to File Opposition to LEOS’ January 23, 2020 Motion Asunto: Notice of Intent to Oppose LEO petition re: confidential designations 27/enero/2020 2020/01/27 Documento
PREPA- Request for Clarification Asunto: Evidentiary Hearing 26/enero/2020 2020/01/26 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Urgent Request to Stay Proceedings, to Set Aside Procedural Calendar Sine Die and for Status Conference 24/enero/2020 2020/01/24 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Corrected Rebuttal Testimony of Nelson Bacalao, PH. D. in Support of PREPA’s Draft Integrated Resource Plan 24/enero/2020 2020/01/24 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Response Identifying Documents Designated as Confidential by PREPA Asunto: Response Identifying Confidential Document 23/enero/2020 2020/01/23 Documento
EDF-Motion for Evidentiary Hearing Appearance Scheduling Asunto: Evidentiary Hearing Appearance Scheduling 23/enero/2020 2020/01/23 Documento
Opposition to PREPA’s Request to Stay Proceedings Asunto: PREPA’s Urgent Request to Stay Proceedings, to Set Aside Procedural Calendar Sine Die and for Status Conference 22/enero/2020 2020/01/22 Documento
Urgent Request to Stay Proceedings, to Set Aside Procedural Calendar Sine Die and for Status Conference Asunto: Request to Stay Proceedings, to Set Aside Procedural Calendar Sine Die and for Status Conference 20/enero/2020 2020/01/20 Documento
Corrected Rebuttal Testimony of Nelson Bacalao, PH. D. in Support of PREPA’s Draft Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: PREPA’s Rebuttal Testimony 20/enero/2020 2020/01/20 Documento
Order Asunto: Order with respect to AES-PR’s Motion Requesting Notification Order 17/enero/2020 2020/01/17 Documento
Resolución y Orden Asunto: Aprobación de Traducción 17/enero/2020 2020/01/17 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Extension of Deadline to Respond to the Energy Bureau’s Tenth Requirement of Information to PREPA 17/enero/2020 2020/01/17 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Evidentiary Hearing Format and Guidelines; Appointment of Hearing Examiner 17/enero/2020 2020/01/17 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Not for Profit Intervenors’ Motion of January 15,2020 17/enero/2020 2020/01/17 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Schedule for Public Hearings 17/enero/2020 2020/01/17 Documento
Motion Submitting Attestation Asunto: Discovery Process 15/enero/2020 2020/01/15 Documento
Solicitud Enmendada de Determinación sobre Calendario de Vistas del PIR Asunto: Resolution and Order to modify the procedural calendar of the instant case; and to announce the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau’s Requirement of Information No. 10 15/enero/2020 2020/01/15 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution and Order to Windmar’s Motion to Request a Clarification and File Surrebuttal Testimony of Victor Gonzalez in Refutation of the Rebuttal testimony of Nelson Bacalao 15/enero/2020 2020/01/15 Documento
Order Asunto: Not for Profit Intervenors’ Motion Submitting Supplemental Testimony 15/enero/2020 2020/01/15 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution to AES-PR’s and Local Environmental Organizations’ Joint Response to December 17, 2019 Resolution and Order 15/enero/2020 2020/01/15 Documento
Motion for Extension of Deadline to Respond to the Energy Bureau’s Tenth Requirement of Information to PREPA Asunto: PREB ROI 10 14/enero/2020 2020/01/14 Documento
Solicitud de Determinación sobre Calendario de Vistas del PIR Asunto: Resolution and Order to modify the procedural calendar of the instant case; and to announce the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau’s Requirement of Information No. 10 14/enero/2020 2020/01/14 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Approval of Contract Release Number 14 13/enero/2020 2020/01/13 Documento
Order Asunto: PREPA’s position towards petition requesting amendment to the Energy Bureau’s Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) 13/enero/2020 2020/01/13 Documento
Apostille of Attestation of Rebuttal Testimony of Nelson Bacalao, PH.D. in Support of PREPA’s Draft Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: PREPA’s Rebuttal Testimony 02/enero/2020 2020/01/02 Documento
AES-PR Motion Requesting Notification Order Asunto: Motion Requesting Notification Order 26/diciembre/2019 2019/12/26 Documento
Sur-Reply in Support of Opposition to the Intervenors’ Motions Related to Grid Mod Plan and for Consolidation of the Matter Asunto: Intervenors Grid Plan Motions 26/diciembre/2019 2019/12/26 Documento
Motion to Strike Written Testimonies Asunto: Intervenors Grid Mod Plan Motions 26/diciembre/2019 2019/12/26 Documento
Motion in Compliance with Resolution and Order dated December 19,2019 Asunto: Resolution and Order dated December 19, 2019 26/diciembre/2019 2019/12/26 Documento
Windmar’s Motion to Request a Clarification and File Surrebuttal Testimony of Victor Gonzalez in Refutation of the Rebuttal Testimony of Nelson Bacalao Asunto: Written Surrebuttal Testimony of Victor Gonzalez in Refutation of  Nelson Bacalao’s Rebuttal Testimony 24/diciembre/2019 2019/12/24 Documento
Not Profit Intervenors-Motion Submitting Supplemental Testimony Asunto: Discovery Priocess 23/diciembre/2019 2019/12/23 Documento
Not Profit Intervenors-Motion Submitting Response of Dr. Eric C. Woychik Asunto: PREPA’s Discovery on Intervenors’ Written Testimony 23/diciembre/2019 2019/12/23 Documento
Reply to PREPA’s Motion to Show Cause and in Compliance with Order Entred on December 6, 2019 Asunto no disponible. 23/diciembre/2019 2019/12/23 Documento
Amicus Brief filing of Rocky Mountain Asunto: Amicus Brief filing of Rocky Mountain 20/diciembre/2019 2019/12/20 Documento
AES-PR’s Motion Submitting Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony Asunto: AES-PR’s Motion Submitting Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony 20/diciembre/2019 2019/12/20 Documento
Rebuttal Testimony of Efran Paredes Maysonet in Support of PREPA’s Draft Integrate Resource Plan Asunto: PREPA’s Rebuttal Testimony 20/diciembre/2019 2019/12/20 Documento
Rebuttal Testimony of Nelson Bacalao, PH, D in Support of Prepa’s Draft Integrated Resource Plan Asunto: PREPA’s Rebuttal Testimony 20/diciembre/2019 2019/12/20 Documento
Opposition to the Local Environmental Organizations’ Request for Additional Discovery Asunto: Opposition to the LEOs’ Request for Additional Discovery 20/diciembre/2019 2019/12/20 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion to Show Cause and In Compliance with Order Entered on December 6, 2019 19/diciembre/2019 2019/12/19 Documento
Resolution an d Order Asunto: AES-PR’s Motion Submitting Pre-Filed Supplemental Testimony; Order to the Puerto Rico Power Authority. 19/diciembre/2019 2019/12/19 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion Submitting Attestation and Apostille to Pre-Filed Supplemental Testimony of Ronny Sandoval Asunto: Motion Submitting Attestation and Apostille to Pre-Filed Supplemental Testimony 18/diciembre/2019 2019/12/18 Documento
PREPA-Notice of Intent to File Opposition to LEOs’ December 17,2019 Motion Asunto: Notice of Intent to Supplement AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment 18/diciembre/2019 2019/12/18 Documento
Resoluction and Order Asunto: Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion to Submit Supplemental Expert Testimony 18/diciembre/2019 2019/12/18 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Not For Profit Intervenor’s Motion Submitting Supplemental Testimony 18/diciembre/2019 2019/12/18 Documento
AES-PR and LEO-Joint Response to December 17, 2019 Resolution and Order Asunto: AES-PR’s and PREPA’s Joint Motion in Compliance with Order 18/diciembre/2019 2019/12/18 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Motion from Local Environmental Organizations to Compel AES Puerto Rico LP, to Respond to Discovery Request 17/diciembre/2019 2019/12/17 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion Requesting that the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau Take Judicial Notice of the Grid Modernization Plan Asunto: Motion Requesting that the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau Take Judicial Notice of the Grid Modernization Plan 17/diciembre/2019 2019/12/17 Documento
PREPA-Motion to Show Cause and in Compliance with Order Entered on December 6, 2019 Asunto: Motion to Show Cause 16/diciembre/2019 2019/12/16 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution and Order to Modify the procedural calendar of the instant case; and to announce the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau’s Requirement of  Information No. 10 13/diciembre/2019 2019/12/13 Documento
Motion from Local Environmental Organization to Compel AES Puerto Rico LP, to Respond to Discovery Requests Asunto: Motion to Compel Responses to Discovery 13/diciembre/2019 2019/12/13 Documento
Local Environmental Organization’s Response to PREPA’s Objection to the Local Environmental Organization’s Petition to Amend the Non-Disclosure Agreement Asunto: Petition Requesting Amendment to Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) 11/diciembre/2019 2019/12/11 Documento
Motion Submitting Supplemental Written Testimony of Brian T. Fladger on Behalf of Wartsila North America, Inc. Asunto: Motion Submitting Supplemental Written Testimony of Brian T. Fladger on Behalf of Wartsila North America, Inc. 11/diciembre/2019 2019/12/11 Documento
AES-PR’s Motion Submitting Pre-Filed Suplemental Testimony Asunto: Motion Submitting Pre-Filed Suplemental Testimony 11/diciembre/2019 2019/12/11 Documento
Local Environmental Organization’s Motion to Submit Supplemental Expert Testimony Asunto: Motion to Submit Supplemental Expert Testimony 11/diciembre/2019 2019/12/11 Documento
Not Profit Intervenors-Motion Submitting Supplemental Testimony Asunto: Discovery Process 10/diciembre/2019 2019/12/10 Documento
Orden Asunto: Orden to show cause 06/diciembre/2019 2019/12/06 Documento
PREPA-Objection to the Local Environmental Organizations’ Petition to Amend the Non-Disclosure Agreement Asunto: Local Environmental Organization’s request to Amend non-disclosure agreement 06/diciembre/2019 2019/12/06 Documento
EDF-Motion for Evidentiary Hearing Appearance Scheduling Asunto: Evidentiary Hearing Appearance Scheduling 06/diciembre/2019 2019/12/06 Documento
Order Asunto: PREPA’s position towards petition requesting amendment to Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) 26/noviembre/2019 2019/11/26 Documento
Not for Profit Intervenors – Motion Requesting Order to PREPA concerning alleged Grid Modernization Plan Asunto: Modification to IRP 26/noviembre/2019 2019/11/26 Documento
PREPA’s Notice of Intent to File Opposition to the LEOs Motion and Request for Leave to File on or before December 6, 2019 Asunto: Notice of Intent to File Opposition 22/noviembre/2019 2019/11/22 Documento
Local Environmental Organization-Petition Requesting Amendment to Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Asunto: Petition Requesting Amendment to Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) 20/noviembre/2019 2019/11/20 Documento
PREPA’s Informative Motion Regarding Discovery Requests Served on Intervenors Asunto no disponible. 18/noviembre/2019 2019/11/18 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Progression Energy’s Motion Submitting Attestation and Apostille to Pre-Filed Testimony 12/noviembre/2019 2019/11/12 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Not Profit Intervenors Motion Submitting Expert Witness Statement 12/noviembre/2019 2019/11/12 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Approval of Contract Release Number 13 12/noviembre/2019 2019/11/12 Documento
Resolution Asunto: EDF and Local Environmental Organizations Joint Motion Concerning PREPA’s Secret Request for Proposals 05/noviembre/2019 2019/11/05 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: AES-PR’s and PREPA’s Joint Motion in Compliance with Order 04/noviembre/2019 2019/11/04 Documento
PE-Motion Submitting Attestation and Apostille to Pre-Filed Testimony Asunto: Petition of Progression Energy to Intervene 04/noviembre/2019 2019/11/04 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Motion to withdraw as an Intervenor in the IRP proceeding 04/noviembre/2019 2019/11/04 Documento
Motion Submitting Expert Witness Statement Asunto: Not profit intervenors-Discovery Process 01/noviembre/2019 2019/11/01 Documento
AES-PR and PREPA’s Joint Motion in Compliance with Order Asunto: AES-PR’s and PREPA’s Joint Motion in Compliance with Order 01/noviembre/2019 2019/11/01 Documento
ACONER-Alegato de Amicus Curiae Asunto: Alegato de Amicus Curiae, Asociación de Consultores y Contratistas de Energía Renovable de Puerto Rico, Inc. 01/noviembre/2019 2019/11/01 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Progression Energy’s Motion Submitting Written Testimony 29/octubre/2019 2019/10/29 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Not Profit Intervenor’s Motion Submitting Expert Witnesses Statements 29/octubre/2019 2019/10/29 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Local Environmental Organization’s Motion to Resubmit Testimony of Daniel Gutman 29/octubre/2019 2019/10/29 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Energy Efficiency  Assessment, Procedural Calendar and AES-PR Requirement of Information 29/octubre/2019 2019/10/29 Documento
Renew Puerto Rico Motion to Withdraw Asunto: Motion to withdraw as an Intervenor in the IRP proceeding 29/octubre/2019 2019/10/29 Documento
AES-PR’s Response to PREPA’s Informative Motion and Request to Strike AES ROI Asunto: AES-PR’s Response to PREPA’s Informative Motion and Request to Strike AES ROI 28/octubre/2019 2019/10/28 Documento
AES-PR’s Response to PREPA’s Informative Motion and Request to Strike AES ROI Asunto: AES-PR’s  Response to PREPA’s Informative Motion and Request to Strike AES ROI 28/octubre/2019 2019/10/28 Documento
Motion Sumitting Apostille to Initial Pre-Filed Testimony of Brian T. Fladger on Behalf of Wartsila North America, Inc. Asunto: Apostille to Initial Pre-Filed Testimony of Brian T. Fladger on Behalf of Wartsila North America, Inc 26/octubre/2019 2019/10/26 Documento
PREPA’s Informative Motion and Request to Strike AES ROI Asunto: Informative Motion Regarding AES-PR ROI 25/octubre/2019 2019/10/25 Documento
Local Environmental Organization’s Motion to Resubmit Testimony of Daniel Gutman Asunto: Motion to Resubmit Testimony 25/octubre/2019 2019/10/25 Documento
Moción para Presentar Resumen Ejecutivo de Plan Integrado de Recursos en el Idioma Español Asunto: Resumen Ejecutivo de Plan Integrado de Recursos en el Idioma Español 24/octubre/2019 2019/10/24 Documento
OIPC-Informative Motion Filing Intervenor’s Written Testimony Asunto: Direct Testimony of Gerardo Cosme Núñez PE, CPI 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
Initial Pre-Filed Testimony of Brian T. Fladger on Behalf of Wartsila North America Inc. Asunto: Initial Pre-Filed Testimony of Brian T. Fladger on Behalf of Wartsila North America Inc. 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
EDF-Motion Submitting Expert Witness Testimony Asunto: Pre-Filed Written Testimony 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
Progression Energy’s Motion Submitting Written Testimony Asunto: Petition of Progression Energy to Intervene 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
Windmar-Motion to file Interventor Written Testimony Asunto: Collectively, WindMar-Written Testimony 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Motion to Submit Expert Testimony Asunto: Motion to Submit Expert Testimony 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
AEE-Segunda Moción de Extensión de Término para Presentar Resumen Ejecutivo de Plan de Recursos Integrado en el Idioma Español Asunto: Resumen Ejecutivo de Plan de Recursos Integrado en el Idioma Español 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
AES-PR’s Motion Submitting Written Testimonies Asunto: AES-PR’s Motion Submitting Written Testimonies 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
Sunrun- Motion Submitting Expert Witness Pre-File Testimony Asunto: Pre-File Testimony 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
SESA PR-Motion to Submit Intervenor’s Written Testimony Asunto: Intervenor’s Written Testimony 23/octubre/2019 2019/10/23 Documento
Not profit intervenors-Motion Submitting Expert Witnesses Statements Asunto: Discovery Process 22/octubre/2019 2019/10/22 Documento
Notice of Intent to Move to Strike or in the Alternative File Opposition to Joint Motion form EDF and Local Environmental Organizations Concerning PREPAs Secret Request for Proposals Asunto: Notice of Intent to Strike or Oppose of Motion Concerning PREPA’s Secret RFPs 22/octubre/2019 2019/10/22 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Urgent Motion too Amend Procedural Calendar 16/octubre/2019 2019/10/16 Documento
Join Motion from EDF and Local Environmental Organizations Concerning PREPA’s Secret Request for Proposals Asunto: Motion Concerning PREPA’s Secret RFPs 16/octubre/2019 2019/10/16 Documento
PREPA’s Urgent Motion to Amend Procedural Calendar Asunto: Urgent Motion to Amend Procedural Calendar 15/octubre/2019 2019/10/15 Documento
Interventor’s Testimony Asunto: Empire Gas written testimony 15/octubre/2019 2019/10/15 Documento
Informative Motion Asunto: Empire Gas written testimony 15/octubre/2019 2019/10/15 Documento
Moción para presentar Borrador de Resumen Ejecutivo de Plan Integrado de Recursos en el Idioma Español, Cumplimiento a Orden de Mostrar Causa y Solicitud de Extensión de Término para Presentar Resumen Ejecutivo de Plan de Recursos Integrados en el Idioma Español Asunto: Orden de Mostrar Causa 14/octubre/2019 2019/10/14 Documento
CIAPR-Comentarios sobre el Plan Integrado de Recursos de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica Asunto: Colegio de Ingeniero y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico (CIAPR) Comentarios sobre el Plan Integrado de Recursos de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica 11/octubre/2019 2019/10/11 Documento
Orden Asunto: Orden de Mostrar Causa 08/octubre/2019 2019/10/08 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Progression’s Energy Motion to Compel and PREPA’s Opposition 07/octubre/2019 2019/10/07 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Consented to Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Several Requirements of Information 07/octubre/2019 2019/10/07 Documento
Consented to Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Several Requirements of Information Asunto: Request for Extension of Time to respond to Wartsila and AES-PR requirements for information 06/octubre/2019 2019/10/06 Documento
Opposition to Progression Energy Motion to Compel Asunto: PREPA’s – Energy Motion to Compel 04/octubre/2019 2019/10/04 Documento
Moción Informativa Asunto: CUD, MIDA, PRMA, UPU y ICSE PR – Discovery Process 04/octubre/2019 2019/10/04 Documento
Moción Informativa y en Cumplimiento de Orden Asunto: CUD, MIDA, PRMA, UPU y ICSE-PR- Discovery Process 04/octubre/2019 2019/10/04 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Approval of Contract Release Number 12   03/octubre/2019 2019/10/03 Documento
Progression Energy’s Motion to Compel Full and Complete Answers To Interrogatory Asunto: Petition of Progression Energy to Intervene 30/septiembre/2019 2019/09/30 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to LOE and WARTSILA’s ROIs 30/septiembre/2019 2019/09/30 Documento
PREPA’s Motion Extension of Time to Resond to Leo and Watsila’s Rois Asunto: Request for Extension of Time to Respond to Leo and Watsila’s  Rols 27/septiembre/2019 2019/09/27 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Approval of Contract Release Number 10 and Contract Release Number 11 27/septiembre/2019 2019/09/27 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Wartsila North America, Inc. Motion in Compliance with Resolution and Order 27/septiembre/2019 2019/09/27 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Urgent Omnibus Motion fo Reconsideration and/or Request for Extension of time to Comply with Orders; PREPA’s Omnibus Motion for Extension of Time to submit Responses […] 23/septiembre/2019 2019/09/23 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Discovery Process 23/septiembre/2019 2019/09/23 Documento
Wartsila-Motion in Compliance with Resolution and Order Asunto: Notice of Appearance 23/septiembre/2019 2019/09/23 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Request for Confidential Designation of Documents Files in Support of Additional Responses to the Energy Bureau’s Fourth set of Requirements of Information 23/septiembre/2019 2019/09/23 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution granting AES Motion for Change or Status to Intervenor 23/septiembre/2019 2019/09/23 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Notice of appearance on behalf of Wartsila North America 23/septiembre/2019 2019/09/23 Documento
Orden Asunto: Moción en cumplimiento de Orden 23/septiembre/2019 2019/09/23 Documento
PREPA-Omnibus Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Responses to Several Requirements for Information Asunto: Omnibus Request for Extension of Time to Respond to Several Requirements for Information 21/septiembre/2019 2019/09/21 Documento
Amicus Brief Filing of Rocky Mountain Institute Asunto: Amicus Brief Filing of Rocky Mountain Institute 20/septiembre/2019 2019/09/20 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Procedural Calendar and Public Comment Process Modification 20/septiembre/2019 2019/09/20 Documento
Response by Local Enviromental Organization to PREPA’s Urgent Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration and/or Request for Extension of Time to Comply with Orders Asunto: Response  to PREPA’s Urgent Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration and/or Request for Extension of Time to Comply with Orders 20/septiembre/2019 2019/09/20 Documento
The Puerto Rico Energy Authority Urgent Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration and/or Request for Extension of Time to Comply with Orders Asunto: PREPA’s Request for Reconsideration Regarding September 17, 2019 Resolution and Orders 19/septiembre/2019 2019/09/19 Documento
CIAPR-Solicitud al Honorable NEPR Autorización para Intervenir en el Presente Proceso en Calidad de Amicus Curiae Asunto: Solicitud al Honorable NEPR Autorización para Intervenir en el Presente Proceso en Calidad de Amicus Curiae 19/septiembre/2019 2019/09/19 Documento
Resolution Asunto: National’s Motion for Reconsideration of the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau’s August 13, 2019 18/septiembre/2019 2019/09/18 Documento
Motion for Change of Status to Intervenor Asunto: AES-PR Motion for Change of Status to Intervenor 18/septiembre/2019 2019/09/18 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Noncompliance with Discovery Process and Instructions 17/septiembre/2019 2019/09/17 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Noncompliance with Discovery Process and Instructions 17/septiembre/2019 2019/09/17 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s petition for confidential treatment of portions of its Responses to the Energy Bureau First Set of ROIs 17/septiembre/2019 2019/09/17 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Petition for confidential treatment of portions of its Responses to the Energy Bureau Second Set of ROIs 17/septiembre/2019 2019/09/17 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Request of Confidential Treatment regarding documents filed by PREPA on August 23,2019 17/septiembre/2019 2019/09/17 Documento
Moción en Cumplimiento de Orden Asunto no disponible. 16/septiembre/2019 2019/09/16 Documento
Motion to Compel PREPA to Respond to Discovery Requests Asunto: Motion to Compel Responses to Discovery Requests 16/septiembre/2019 2019/09/16 Documento
Motion by Local Environmental Organizations to Compel PREPA to Respond to Discovery Requests Asunto: Motion to Compel Responses to Discovery Requests  and annexes 10/septiembre/2019 2019/09/10 Documento
AES-Joint Motion for Substitution of Counsel for AES-Puerto Rico, LP Asunto: Joint Motion for Substitution of Counsel for AES-Puerto Rico, LP 10/septiembre/2019 2019/09/10 Documento
Orden Asunto: Moción solicitando se retire La Cooperativa de Seguros Múltiples de la Comparecencia del ICSE y los Interventores «not for profit» 10/septiembre/2019 2019/09/10 Documento
Orden Asunto: Moción reiterando peticiones en torno a la accesibilidad del Plan Integrado de Recursos (PIR) 10/septiembre/2019 2019/09/10 Documento
Request for Confidential Designation of Documents Filed in Support of Additional Responses to the Energy Bureau’s Fourth Set of Requirements of Information Asunto: Request for Confidential Designation of Additional Documents Responsive to the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau’s Fourth Set of Requirements of Information dated August 1, 2019 06/septiembre/2019 2019/09/06 Documento
Notice of Appearance on Behalf of Wartsila North America, Inc. Asunto: Notice of Appearance 06/septiembre/2019 2019/09/06 Documento
Motion in Compliance with Order Dated August 27, 2019 an d in Further Support to Request for Confidential Designation Asunto: PREPA’s Response to the Energy Bureau’s August 27, 2019 Order 06/septiembre/2019 2019/09/06 Documento
Moción Solicitando se Retire a la Cooperativa de Seguros Multiples de la Comparecencia de ICSE y los Interventores «Not for Profit» Asunto: Moción Solicitando se Retire a la Cooperativa de Seguros Multiples de la Comparecencia de ICSE y los Interventores «Not for Profit» 04/septiembre/2019 2019/09/04 Documento
Motion for Reconsideration Asunto: Motion for Reconsideration of the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau’s August 13, 2019 Resolution 03/septiembre/2019 2019/09/03 Documento
Resolution and Orden Asunto: Request for Extension of Time to Submit Responses to Intervenor’s Requirements for Information 30/agosto/2019 2019/08/30 Documento
Submittal of AES Coal Plant Conversion Report Caveats and Limitations Asunto: Submittal of AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment 30/agosto/2019 2019/08/30 Documento
Request for Extension of Time to Submit Answers to Intervenor’s Requirements for Information Asunto: Request for Extension of Time to Submit Responses to Intervenor’s Requirements for Information 30/agosto/2019 2019/08/30 Documento
Notice of Intent to Supplement AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: Notice of Intent to Supplement AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment 29/agosto/2019 2019/08/29 Documento
Moción Reiterando Petición en Torno a la Accesibilidad del Plan Integrado de Recursos (PIR) Asunto: Moción Reiterando Petición en Torno a la Accesibilidad del Plan Integrado de Recursos (PIR) 28/agosto/2019 2019/08/28 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s petition for confidential treatment of portions of its IRP 27/agosto/2019 2019/08/27 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: Workpaper_2 The-Outlook-for-Floating-Storage-and-Regasification-Units-FSRUs-NG-123 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: Workpaper_1_Modeling_Assumptions 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: Summary_All_Cases 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: S5S1B_Metrics_Base_CEPR_CCGT_smooth_v2 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: S4S2B_Metrics_ (AES retired)_ SII_r4_Smooth.xlsx 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: S3S2B_Metrics_Base_CEPR_Smooth 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: S1S2B_Metrics_ Base_CEPR_Smooth 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: H100 Simple Cycle PEACE_KLB 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: F04_Liquid_PEACE_Repower Scope 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: ESM_Metrics_Base_CEPR_Smooth 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: AES boiler calcs_190626_revC 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
Request for Confidential Designation of Unredacted AES Coal Plan Conversion Assessment Asunto: Request for Confidential Designation of AES Coal Plan Conversion Assessment 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
Submittal of Redacted AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment Asunto: Submittal of Redacted AES Coal Plant Conversion Assessment 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
Request for Confidential Designation of Documents Responsive to the Bureau’s Second Set of Requests Asunto: Request for Confidential Designation Documents Responsive to the Second Set of Requirements of Information dated July 18, 2019, as clarifies by the Energy Bureau’s Resolution and […] 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
Request for Confidential Designation Documents Responsive to the Bureau’s Fourth Set of Requests of Information Asunto: Request for Confidential Designation Documents Responsive to the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau’s Fourth Set of Requests of Information dates August 1, 2019 23/agosto/2019 2019/08/23 Documento
Request for Extension of Time to File Responses to Request for Information the Bureau’s 4th and 5th Requirement of Information Asunto: Request for Extension of Time to File Responses to Request for Information the Bureau’s 4th and 5th Requirement of Information 22/agosto/2019 2019/08/22 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Request for extension of time to submit response to discovery 22/agosto/2019 2019/08/22 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Initial Technical Hearing Procedural Calendar and Parties Notification Mailing List 21/agosto/2019 2019/08/21 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Partial Compliance Filing Re July 23, 2019, Order, and Motion for Leave to Supplement Filing by August 16, 2019 21/agosto/2019 2019/08/21 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Notice of Lead Counsel for Local Environmental Organizations 19/agosto/2019 2019/08/19 Documento
Motion in Compliance with Order Dated August 16, 2019 Asunto: Notice of Appearance on Behalf of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority 19/agosto/2019 2019/08/19 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Notice of Appearance on Behalf of Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority 16/agosto/2019 2019/08/16 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation Notice in Compliance with the August 5th Resolution 16/agosto/2019 2019/08/16 Documento
Notice of Appearance on Behalf of the Puerto Rico Notice Appearance Asunto: Attorneys Maralíz Vazquez and Katiuska Bolaños Notice of Appearance 14/agosto/2019 2019/08/14 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing re August 6,2019, Order 13/agosto/2019 2019/08/13 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance re August 13 Presentation Documents and  Confidentiality Designations 13/agosto/2019 2019/08/13 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Notice of Lead Counsel Asunto: Notice of Lead Counsel for Local Environmental Organizations 12/agosto/2019 2019/08/12 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene; Arctas Capital Group LP 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene; League of Cooperatives of Puerto Rico and AMANESER 2025, Inc. 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Solar & Energy Storage Association of Puerto Rico Motion for Reconsideration 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Caribe GE International Services Corp. Motion for Reconsideration 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Reconsideration Regarding Initial Technical Hearing Second Day Schedule 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene; Renew Puerto Rico 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Notification of Interlocutory Resolutions and Orders 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Cover Filing or Responses to Energy Bureau 1st Set of ROIs and Confidentially Designations, and Motion Time on Certain  Items 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Lead Counsel for Local Environmental Organizations 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
3-PREPA IRP 2019 MiniGrids & Transmission Assessment Asunto: 03 PREPA IRP 2019 – MiniGrid_and_Transmission_Draft 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
2-PREPA IRP 2019 Technical Conference Asunto: 02 PREPA 2018 IRP_Part_I_v1 jfb cmts 8-9-19 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
1-PREPA Resource Planning and Action for a Greener Asunto: 01PREPA_IRP_ActionPlan_PREB_Summary_and_Long_Form_20190809 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance re August 13 Presentation Documents and Confidentiality Designations Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance re August 13 Presentation Documents and Confidentiality Designations 09/agosto/2019 2019/08/09 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Reconsideration Regarding Initial Technical Hearing Second Day Schedule Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Reconsideration Regarding Initial Technical Hearing Second Day Schedule 08/agosto/2019 2019/08/08 Documento
PREPA’s Partial Compliance Filing Re July 23, 2019, Order and Motion for Leave to Supplement Filing by August 16, 2019 Asunto: PREPA’s Partial Compliance Filing Re July 23, 2019, Order and Motion for Leave to Supplement Filing by August 16, 2019 08/agosto/2019 2019/08/08 Documento
Caribe GE-Motion for Reconsideration Asunto: Motion for Reconsideration 08/agosto/2019 2019/08/08 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Re August 6, 2019, Order Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing Re August 6, 2019, Order 08/agosto/2019 2019/08/08 Documento
PREPA’s Cover Filing for Responses to Energy Bureau 2nd Set of ROIs and Confidentiality Designations, and Motion for More Time on Certain Items Asunto: PREPA’s Cover Filing for Responses to Energy Bureau 2nd Set of ROIs and Confidentiality Designations, and Motion for More Time on Certain Items 08/agosto/2019 2019/08/08 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Confidencial Treatment of Portions of Its Response to ROIs Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Confidencial Treatment of Portions of Its Response to ROIs 08/agosto/2019 2019/08/08 Documento
SESA-PR Motion for Reconsideration Asunto: Motion for Reconsideration 08/agosto/2019 2019/08/08 Documento
National-Notice in Compliance with the August 5th Resolution Asunto: Petition of National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation to Intervene 06/agosto/2019 2019/08/06 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition of National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation to Intervene 06/agosto/2019 2019/08/06 Documento
Lead Counsel for Local Environmental Organizations Asunto: Lead Counsel for Local Environmental Organizations 06/agosto/2019 2019/08/06 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Request to Participate as Amicus Curiae; ACONER 06/agosto/2019 2019/08/06 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing re July 16, 2019, Order and Motion for Reconsideration of Fine 06/agosto/2019 2019/08/06 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion Regarding Initial Technical Hearing and Procedural Calendar 06/agosto/2019 2019/08/06 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene; Caribe GE International Energy Services, Corp, Solar & Energy Storage Association of Puerto Rico 06/agosto/2019 2019/08/06 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Request to Participate as Amicus Curiae; Colegio de Ingenieros de Puerto Rico 06/agosto/2019 2019/08/06 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Non Profit Intervenors Motion for Reconsideration 06/agosto/2019 2019/08/06 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition of National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation to Intervene 05/agosto/2019 2019/08/05 Documento
Motion for Reconsideration Asunto: Request to Appear as Amicus Curiae 05/agosto/2019 2019/08/05 Documento
Not Profit Intervenors-Motion for Reconsideration Asunto: Request to Appear as Amicus Curiae 05/agosto/2019 2019/08/05 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition of Progression Energy to Intervene 05/agosto/2019 2019/08/05 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition of Shell NA LNG LLC to Intervene 05/agosto/2019 2019/08/05 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition of Wartsila North America, Inc. to Intervene 05/agosto/2019 2019/08/05 Documento
Solicitud al Honorable NEPR Autorización para Internenir en el Presente Procedimiento en Calidad de Amicus Curiae Asunto: Petición de Autorización para Intervenir en el Presente Procedimiento en Calidad de Amicus Curiae 05/agosto/2019 2019/08/05 Documento
Non Profit Intervenors Motion for Reconsideration Asunto: Motion for Reconsideration 02/agosto/2019 2019/08/02 Documento
Petition of Wartsila North America, Inc. to Intervene Asunto: Petition of Wartsila North America, Inc. to Intervene 02/agosto/2019 2019/08/02 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Confidential Treatment of Portions of its Responses to ROIs Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Confidential Treatment of Portions of its Responses to ROIs 02/agosto/2019 2019/08/02 Documento
PREPA’s Cover Filing for Responses to Energy Bureau 1st Set of ROIs and Confidentiality Designations and Motion for More Time on Certain Items Asunto: PREPA’s Cover Filing for Responses to Energy Bureau 1st Set of ROIs and Confidentiality Designations and Motion for More Time on Certain Items 02/agosto/2019 2019/08/02 Documento
SESA-PR Petition to Intervene Asunto: Petition to Intervene 02/agosto/2019 2019/08/02 Documento
Caribe GE International Energy Services, Corp. Motion to Intervene Asunto: Motion to Intervene 02/agosto/2019 2019/08/02 Documento
Petition of Shell NA LNG LLC Asunto: Petition of Shell NA LNG LLC 02/agosto/2019 2019/08/02 Documento
Renew Puerto Rico Petition to Intervene Asunto: Petition to Intervene 02/agosto/2019 2019/08/02 Documento
Petition of Progression Energy to Intervene Asunto: Petition of Progression Energy to Intervene 02/agosto/2019 2019/08/02 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Request to Participate as Amicus Curiae; AES-Puerto Rico 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene; Empire Gas Companies 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Non Profit Intervenors Request for Intervention as Amicus Curiae 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene; Consumer’s Protection Independent Office 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene: Windmar Group 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene: Rocky Mountain Institute 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene; EcoEléctrica 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene: Local Environmental Organizations 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene: Sunrun 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Petition of National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation to Intervene Asunto: Petition of National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation to Intervene 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
The League of Cooperatives of Puerto Rico and Amaneser 2025 Inc. Petition to Intervene Asunto: Petition to Intervene 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Motion in Compliance With Order – Non Profit Intervenors Asunto: Request to Appear as Amicus Curiae 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Moción en Solicitud Autorización para Comparecer como Amicus Curiae – AES-PR Asunto: Determinación sobre Haberse Completado Presentación Plan Integrado de Recursos de la AEEPR y Calendario Procedimientos 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Petition to Intervene Asunto: Empire Gas Companies’ Motion to Intervene 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Solicitud de Autorización de Intervención OIPC Asunto: Solicitud de Intervención en el Proceso de Evaluación del Plan Integrado de Recursos de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Petición de Intervención Grupo WindMar Asunto: Determinación de Suficiencia de la Petición de Plan Integrado de Recursos y Calendario Procesal 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
PREPA’a Motion Regarding Initial Technical Hearing and Procedural Calendar Asunto: PREPA’a Motion Regarding Initial Technical Hearing and Procedural Calendar 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Re July 16, 2019, Order and Motion for Reconsideration of Fine Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing Re July 16, 2019, Order and Motion for Reconsideration of Fine 01/agosto/2019 2019/08/01 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Non Profit Intervenors Request for Intervention as Amicus Curiae 31/julio/2019 2019/07/31 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motions for (1) Extension of Time for Responses to the Energy Bureau’s 2nd Set of ROIs and (2) Clarification or Modification of ROI 04-02(c) 31/julio/2019 2019/07/31 Documento
Arctas Capital Group, LP Petition to Intervene Asunto: Arctas Capital Group, LP Petition to Intervene in the Filing of the IRP (Phase 2) 31/julio/2019 2019/07/31 Documento
Petition of Rocky Mountain Institute to participate as Amicus Curiae Asunto: Petition of Rocky Mountain Institute to participate as Amicus Curiae 30/julio/2019 2019/07/30 Documento
Non Profit Intervenors Petition For Intervention as Amicus Curiae Asunto: Petition For Intervention as Amicus Curiae 30/julio/2019 2019/07/30 Documento
EcoEléctrica Petition for Intervention Asunto: Petition for Intervention 29/julio/2019 2019/07/29 Documento
PREPA’s Motions for (1) Extension of Time for Responses to the Energy Bureau’s 2nd Set of ROIs and (2) Clarification or Modification of ROI 02-04(c) Asunto: PREPA’s Motions for (1) Extension of Time for Responses to the Energy Bureau’s 2nd Set of ROIs and (2) Clarification or Modification of ROI 02-04(c) 29/julio/2019 2019/07/29 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Petition to Intervene Asunto: Petition to Intervene 29/julio/2019 2019/07/29 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Appointment of Hearing Examiner; Initial Technical Hearing Format 26/julio/2019 2019/07/26 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Petition to Intervene; Environmental Defense Fund 26/julio/2019 2019/07/26 Documento
Sunrun Petition to Intervene Asunto: Petition to Intervene 26/julio/2019 2019/07/26 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Extension of Time Due to Status of Proposed Contract Amendment 23/julio/2019 2019/07/23 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Extension of Time Due to Status of Proposed Contract Amendment Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Extension of Time Due to Status of Proposed Contract Amendment 16/julio/2019 2019/07/16 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Interim Compliance Filing Re July 9, 2019, Order, and Motion for Reconsideration on General or Interim Basis 16/julio/2019 2019/07/16 Documento
Petition of Environmental Defense Fund to Intervene Asunto: Petition of Environmental Defense Fund to Intervene 12/julio/2019 2019/07/12 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing re July 3, 2019, Completeness Order Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing re July 3, 2019, Completeness Order 12/julio/2019 2019/07/12 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing re July 9, 2019, Order, and Supplement to Motion for Reconsideration on General or Interim Basis Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing re July 9, 2019, Order, and Supplement to Motion for Reconsideration on General or Interim Basis 11/julio/2019 2019/07/11 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Interim Compliance Filing Re July 2, 2019, Order, and Motion for Reconsideration on General or Interim Basis 09/julio/2019 2019/07/09 Documento
PREPA’s Interim Compliance Filing Re July 2,2019, Order, and Motion for Reconsideration on General or Interim Basis Asunto: PREPA’s Interim Compliance Filing Re July 2, 2019, Order, and Motion for Reconsideration on General or Interim Basis 05/julio/2019 2019/07/05 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s (1) Updated Motion for Confidential Treatment of Portions of its Integrated Resource Plan Filing and (2) Compliance Filing. 03/julio/2019 2019/07/03 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Completeness Determination of PREPA’s IRP Filing and Procedural Calendar 03/julio/2019 2019/07/03 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Leave to File IRP Main Report «Errata» Version 03/julio/2019 2019/07/03 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing regarding June 27, 2019 Order 02/julio/2019 2019/07/02 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Re June 27,2019, Order Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing Re June 27,2019, Order 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 10 (ESM_Metrics_Base_SII-mm with action plan tab) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 8 (PREPA Fuel Price Designation (Conversion Cost details)_v2) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 7 (Siemens 2018 Spring CoalPriceForecast-1Q2018-charts-FINAL – Spring NFM) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 7 (Galway LNG-CNG Import Options for PREPA Northern Power Plants -3) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 6 (2017_PAX_3_2_1_Area_Cost_Factors_Final_28_Mar_2017) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 6 (Copy of ufc_3_701_01_2018_c2_Data_Tables) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 4 (US Carbon Price_Public Sources -1) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 4 (EcoElectrica_NPV_ASSESSMENT_Initial) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 3 (Historical Generation and System Load -1) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Section 3 (Historical Customer Energy by Class) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Appendix 4 (EE-DSM Cost Calculation FOR PREPA 04-12-19_PREB Reference_30_ TJP Update-v4newTRCs.053019 -1) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Appendix 4 (DG Allocation by Customer Class_v1) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Appendix AB (ITEM 49_Planned Transmission Separated From Describe for Minigrids) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Appendix AB (ITEM 45_Transmission System Constraints) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Appendix AB (Step2_PREPA_Econometric_ModelDev_smooth_final) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Missing Workpapers_location_log for PREB (2) 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: Summary PREPA IRP Cases-06032019_v9 28/junio/2019 2019/06/28 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Approval of Siemens Third Contract Amendment 27/junio/2019 2019/06/27 Documento
Local Environmental Organizations’ Comments in Opposition to PREPA’s Motion for Limited Waivers Under Regulation No. 9021 and Verifies Motion for Confidential Treatment of Portions of Its Integrated Resource Plan Filing Asunto: Local Environmental Organization’s Comments 26/junio/2019 2019/06/26 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing 26/junio/2019 2019/06/26 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Documents referenced in the Integrated Resource Plan and not included in the filings 25/junio/2019 2019/06/25 Documento
Resolution and order Asunto: PREPA’s Motions (1) to Extend June 21 Compliance Deadline and (2) for Approval of Siemens Contract Amendment 24/junio/2019 2019/06/24 Documento
File Index-PREPA’s (1) Motion for Confidential Treatment of Portions of its Integrates Resources Plan Filing and (2) Compliance Filing Asunto: File index 06202019 21/junio/2019 2019/06/21 Documento
PREPA’s (1) Motion for Confidential Treatment of Portions of its Integrates Resources Plan Filing and (2) Compliance Filing Asunto: PREPA’s (1) Motion for Confidential Treatment of Portions of its Integrates Resources Plan Filing and (2) Compliance Filing 21/junio/2019 2019/06/21 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s June 19,2019 Motion for Leave to File Document Inadvertently Omitted and Motion Extension 20/junio/2019 2019/06/20 Documento
PREPA’s Motion (1) to Extend June 21 Compliance Deadline and (2) for Approval of Siemens Contact Amendment Asunto: PREPA’s Motion (1) to ExtendJune 21 Compliance Deadline and (2) for Approval of Siemens Contact Amendment 20/junio/2019 2019/06/20 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Two More Days to Submit Revised Confidentiality Requests Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Two More Days to Submit Revised Confidentiality Requests 19/junio/2019 2019/06/19 Documento
PREPAS’s Motion for Leave to File Attachments Inadvertently Omitted From June 14th Filing and To Remove Copies Of Personal Information Asunto: PREPAS’s Motion for Leave to File Attachments Inadvertently Omitted from June 14th Filing and To Remove Copies Of Personal Information 19/junio/2019 2019/06/19 Documento
Comparison Asunto: Comparison 19/junio/2019 2019/06/19 Documento
Main Report REV2 06182019 «ERRATA» Asunto: IRP2019 – Main Report REV2 06182019 wERRATA 19/junio/2019 2019/06/19 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Leave to File IRP Main Report «Errata» Version Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Leave to File IRP Main Report «Errata» Version 19/junio/2019 2019/06/19 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Documents with Confidential treatment designation 18/junio/2019 2019/06/18 Documento
Informative Motion Regarding Flexible Distributed Generation Units RFQ Asunto: National-Informative Motion Regarding Flexible Distributed Generation Units RFQ 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
IRP2019 EX 1.01C Appendix 1-Section2-Redacted Asunto: IRP2019 EX 1.01C Appendix 1-Section2-Redacted 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
Order-Appendix AB (Appendix-B) Asunto: 4- Order_Appendix AB__Appendix_B 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
Order-Appendix AB (Appendix-A) Asunto: Order-Appendix AB (Appendix-A) 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
Testimony of Todd W. Filsinger Asunto: PREPA IRP Direct Testimony of Todd W. Filsinger 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
Testimony of Matthew Lee Asunto: PREPA IRP Direct Testimony of Matthew Lee 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
Testimony of José F. Ortiz Asunto: PREPA IRP Direct Testimony of José F. Ortiz 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
Testimony of Efran Paredes Asunto: PREPA IRP Direct Testimony of Efran Paredes 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
Testimony of Dr Nelson Bacalao Asunto: PREPA IRP Direct Testimony of Dr Nelson Bacalao 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
PREPA’s Cover Filing, Updated List of Updated List of Documents Filed or Submitted, and Motions Asunto: PREPA’s Cover Filing, Updated List of Updated List of Documents Filed or Submitted, and Motions 14/junio/2019 2019/06/14 Documento
PREPA’s Informative Motion Regarding the Items in the Energy Bureau’s June 11th Order Asunto: PREPA’s Informative Motion Regarding the Items in the Energy Bureau’s June 11th Order 13/junio/2019 2019/06/13 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing 12/junio/2019 2019/06/12 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Prepa’s Informative Motion and Motion ro Coordinate Overlapping Schedules 12/junio/2019 2019/06/12 Documento
PREPAs Informative Motion to Coordinate Overlapping Schedules CEPR-AP-2018-0001 Asunto: PREPAs Informative Motion to Coordinate Overlapping Schedules CEPR-AP-2018-0001 11/junio/2019 2019/06/11 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Cover Filing for Accompanying Compliance IRP Filing Due June 7, 2019 11/junio/2019 2019/06/11 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Petition for confidential treatment of Information 10/junio/2019 2019/06/10 Documento
PREPA’s Verified Motion for Confidencial Treatment of Portion of its Integrated Resource Plan Filing Asunto: PREPA’s Verified Motion for Confidencial Treatment of Portion of its Integrated Resource Plan Filing 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Limited Waiver of Filing Requirement Under Regulation No 9021 Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Limited Waiver of Filing Requirement Under Regulation No 9021 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
Appendix 5 Asunto: IRP2019-Appendix 5 – New and Existing Supply-Side Resources 20190122 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
Appendix 4 Asunto: IRP2019 – Appendix 4 – Demand Side Resources 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
Appendix 3 – PPOAs (Renewable Energy Project) Asunto: IRP2019-Appendix 3 – PPOAs (Renewable Energy Project) status to CEPR December 2018 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
Appendix 3 – (Appendix 3) Asunto: IRP2019-Appendix 3 – (Appendix 3) PPOAs not renegotiated December 2018 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
Appendix 3 – (Appendix2) Asunto: IRP2019-Appendix 3 – (Appendix 2) PPOAs under renegotiation December 2018 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
Appendix 3 – (Appendix 1) Asunto: IRP2019-Appendix 3 – (Appendix 1) PPOAs in Commercial Operation or PreOperation December 2018 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
Appendix 1 Asunto: RP2019 – Appendix 1 – Transmission and Distribution 06072019 REDACTED 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
Main Report Asunto: IRP2019 – Main Report REV2 06072019 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
PREPAs Cover Filing for Accompanying Compliance IRP Filing Due June 7 2018 Asunto no disponible. 07/junio/2019 2019/06/07 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion to Extend Schedule 05/junio/2019 2019/06/05 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Motion to Extend Schedule 31/mayo/2019 2019/05/31 Documento
PREPA’s Motion to Extend Schedule Asunto: PREPA’s Motion to Extend Schedule 31/mayo/2019 2019/05/31 Documento
Resolución Asunto: Solicitud de Acceso a la Información y Participación Cuidadana 28/mayo/2019 2019/05/28 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing of May 17, 2019 23/mayo/2019 2019/05/23 Documento
Resolución y Orden Asunto: Aprobación de Traducción 23/mayo/2019 2019/05/23 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution on Comments from National and Windmar regarding PREPA’s April 17, 2019 Informative Motion 22/mayo/2019 2019/05/22 Documento
Resolución y Orden Asunto: Aprobación Traducción 22/mayo/2019 2019/05/22 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance Filing Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance Filing 17/mayo/2019 2019/05/17 Documento
Resolución y Orden Asunto: Aprobación de Traducción 10/mayo/2019 2019/05/10 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Informative Motion and Motion to Extend Due Date for Revised IRP 09/mayo/2019 2019/05/09 Documento
Windmar-Motion Regarding PREPA’s Informative Motion of April 17, 2019 and Request Asunto: Motion Regarding PREPA’s Informative Motion of April 17, 2019 and Request 07/mayo/2019 2019/05/07 Documento
PREPA’s Informative Motion and Motion to Extend Due Date for Revised IRP Asunto: PREPA’s Informative Motion and Motion to Extend Due Date for Revised IRP 03/mayo/2019 2019/05/03 Documento
Comentarios y Solicitud en Torno al Plan Integrado de Recursos Asunto: Comité Diálogo Ambiental, Sierra Club, Cambio, Alianza Comunitaria del Sureste, Comité Yabucoeño, El Puente: Enlace Latino, Coalición Organizaciones Anti Incineración. Acceso a la Información y Participación […] 02/mayo/2019 2019/05/02 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Informative Motion, Proposal Regarding Compliance Schedule and Update Question. 26/abril/2019 2019/04/26 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Informative Motion, Proposal Regarding Compliance Schedule and Update Question 26/abril/2019 2019/04/26 Documento
Informative Motion Regarding Changed AES Assumptions Asunto no disponible. 26/abril/2019 2019/04/26 Documento
PREPA’S Informative Motion, Proposal Regarding Compliance Schedule, and Update Question Asunto: PREPA’S Informative Motion, Proposal Regarding Compliance Schedule, and Update Question 17/abril/2019 2019/04/17 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution and Order Regarding topics discussed at April 1, 2019 Technical Conference and PREPA’s Clarification Questions 05/abril/2019 2019/04/05 Documento
April 1, 2019 IRP Technical Conference Call Recording Asunto: April 1, 2019 IRP Technical Conference Call. 01/abril/2019 2019/04/01 Escuchar
Resolución y Orden Asunto: Aprobación de Traducción 28/marzo/2019 2019/03/28 Documento
PREPA’s Clarification Questions and Motions Regarding Schedule Asunto: PREPA’s Clarification Questions and Motions Regarding Schedule 26/marzo/2019 2019/03/26 Documento
Resolución Asunto: Moción para Informar 25/marzo/2019 2019/03/25 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution and Order on the Completeness of Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Integrated Resource Plan Filing, Confidential Treatment of Portions of the Integrated Resource Plan, and […] 14/marzo/2019 2019/03/14 Documento
AEE-Moción para Informar Asunto: Moción para Informar Reunión con Stakeholders 14/marzo/2019 2019/03/14 Documento
AEE-Moción para Confirmar Presentación Asunto no disponible. 21/febrero/2019 2019/02/21 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Petition and Informative Motion Regarding its Accompanying Integrated Resource Plan Filing 15/febrero/2019 2019/02/15 Documento
Moción Solicitando Aclaración y Reconsideración (Enlace Latino) Asunto: Acceso a la Información 14/febrero/2019 2019/02/14 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S5S1S5B_V5.0 metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S5S1B_V5.0 metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S3L_Metrics_V5 0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S3H_Metrics_V5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S3B_V5.0 metricss.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S3B_Sensitivity 7_V5.0 metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S2S6B_w metrics_5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S2S5B_w metrics_V5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S2S4B_V5.0 metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S2S3B_V5.0 Metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S2L_Metrics V5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S2H_V 5.0 Metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S2BM_V5.0_Metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S2B_V5.0_Metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S4S1B_Metrics_V5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S3S3L_V5 Metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S3S3H_V5 Metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S3S3B_Metrics_V5.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S3S2L_V5 Metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S3S2H_V5 Metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S3S2B_Metrics_V5.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S3L_Metrics_V 5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S3H_Metrices_V 5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S3B_Metrics_V 5.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S2L_Metrics_V 5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S2H_Metrics_V5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S2B_Metrics_V 5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S1B_Metrics_V 5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S2S3B_Metrics_V 5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S2S2B_Metrics V5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: S1S2S1B_v5.0 Metrics.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: ESM_Base_Metrics_V5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: ESM_Base_Metrics_V5.0 50 pct RPS.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: ESM Low Metrics V5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: ESM High_Metrics_V5.0.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: PREPA Fossil New Resources 10-9 2018_v6.2.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: Stochastics Load Forecast 2018_PREPA_IRP 092218.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: Step2_Load Forecast Econometric Model PREPA 2018 IRP_Final.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: Step1_PREPA_Econometric_ModelDev_smooth_final.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: PREPA Fuel Forecast 10292018_FINAL.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: PREPA_PPOA_RenewableProjects_10-05_2018_.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: EE-DSM Cost Calculation FOR PREPA 09172018_PREB Reference.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: EE-DSM Cost Calculation FOR PREPA 09172018_PREB Low EE.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA IRP 2019 Work Papers Asunto: EE-DSM Cost Calculation FOR PREPA 09072018_Reasonably Achievable.xlsx 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.7.01 – CV Gregory Rivera Asunto: PREPA Ex.7.01 – CV Gregory Rivera 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.7.0 – Direct Testimony Gregory Rivera Asunto: PREPA Ex.7.0 – Direct Testimony Gregory Rivera 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.6.01 – CV Dr. Bacalao Asunto: PREPA Ex.6.01 – CV Dr. Bacalao 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.6.0 – Direct Testimony Dr. Bacalao Asunto: PREPA Ex.6.0 – Direct Testimony Dr. Bacalao 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.5.01 -CV Matthew Lee Asunto: PREPA Ex.5.01 -CV Matthew Lee 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.5.0 – Direct Testimony Matthew Lee Asunto: PREPA Ex.5.0 – Direct Testimony Matthew Lee 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.4.01 – CV Todd Filsinger Asunto: PREPA Ex.4.01 – CV Todd Filsinger 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.4.0 – Direct Testimony Todd Filsinger Asunto: PREPA Ex.4.0 – Direct Testimony Todd Filsinger 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.3.02 – Resolution 4767 – IRP PR Energy Bureau Asunto: PREPA Ex.3.02 – Resolution 4767 – IRP PR Energy Bureau 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Confidential Treatment of Portions of Its Integrated Resource Plan Filing Asunto no disponible. 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.3.01 – CV Jose Ortiz Asunto: PREPA Ex.3.01 – CV Jose Ortiz 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex.3.0 – Direct Testimony Jose Ortiz Asunto: PREPA Ex.3.0 – Direct Testimony Jose Ortiz 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex. 1.05 IRP 2019 Appendix 5 – New and Existing Supply-Side Resources Asunto: PREPA Ex. 1.05 IRP 2019 Appendix 5 – New and Existing Supply-Side Resources 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Limited Waivers of Filing Requirements Under Regulation No. 9021 Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Limited Waivers of Filing Requirements Under Regulation No. 9021 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex. 1.05 IRP 2019 Appendix 5 – Additional Existing Supplemental Data Sheet Asunto: PREPA Ex. 1.05 IRP 2019 Appendix 5 – Additional Existing Supplemental Data Sheet 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex. 1.04 IRP 2019 Appendix 4 – Demand-Side Resources Asunto: PREPA Ex. 1.04 IRP 2019 Appendix 4 – Demand-Side Resources 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex. 1.03 IRP 2019 Appendix 3 – Renewable Energy Project Status Asunto: PREPA Ex. 1.03 IRP 2019 Appendix 3 – Renewable Energy Project Status 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex. 1.02 IRP 2019 Appendix 2 – Prior Action Plan Implementation Status Asunto: PREPA Ex. 1.02 IRP 2019 Appendix 2 – Prior Action Plan Implementation Status 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex. 1.01 IRP 2019 Redacted Appendix 1 – Transmission and Distribution Planning Asunto: PREPA Ex. 1.01 IRP 2019 Redacted Appendix 1 – Transmission and Distribution Planning 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA’S Petition and Informative Motion Regarding its Accompanying Integrated Resource Plan Filing Asunto: PREPA’S Petition and Informative Motion Regarding its Accompanying Integrated Resource Plan Filing 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex. 1.0 IRP 2019 Redacted PREPA IRP Report Attachment B Asunto: PREPA Ex. 1.0 IRP 2019 Redacted PREPA IRP Report Attachment B 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
PREPA Ex. 1.0 IRP 2019 PREPA IRP Report Asunto: PREPA Ex. 1.0 IRP 2019 PREPA IRP Report 13/febrero/2019 2019/02/13 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for a 3-day Extension of Time; Imposition of Administrative Fine 12/febrero/2019 2019/02/12 Documento
The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Motion for a 3-Day Extension of Time Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for a 3-Day Extension of Time 11/febrero/2019 2019/02/11 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Limited Extension of Time and Request for Confidential Treatment of Information 25/enero/2019 2019/01/25 Documento
The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Motion for Limited Extension of Time Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Limited Extension of Time 23/enero/2019 2019/01/23 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution on the Puerto Rico Economic Competitiveness and Sustainability Institute’s Motion Requesting Order 21/diciembre/2018 2018/12/21 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution and Order on Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s Compliance Filing Regarding Siemens’ Contract 20/diciembre/2018 2018/12/20 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution on National’s Comments regarding Strategy 1 Modeling 18/diciembre/2018 2018/12/18 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Resolution on National’s Comments regarding Strategy 1 Modeling 18/diciembre/2018 2018/12/18 Documento
AEE-Moción para Cumplir con Orden Asunto: Moción para Cumplir con Orden 10/diciembre/2018 2018/12/10 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution and Order on the Puerto Rico Economic Competitiveness and Sustainability Institute’s Motion Requesting Order 06/diciembre/2018 2018/12/06 Documento
ICSE-Motion Requesting Action by the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau Concerning PREPA’s Non Compliance with PREB Orders Asunto: Motion Regarding PREPA’s IRP Timeline 30/noviembre/2018 2018/11/30 Documento
PREPA’s Informative Motion Responding to ICSE’s Motion Asunto: PREPA’s Informative Motion Responding to ICSE’s Motion 21/noviembre/2018 2018/11/21 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Resolution and Order regarding topics discussed at November 2, 2018 Technical Conference 09/noviembre/2018 2018/11/09 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Motion to Submits Updated Report and Request for Confidential Treatment Information 08/noviembre/2018 2018/11/08 Documento
PREPA IRP 2018 Preliminary Results of the Long Term Capacity Expansion Plan Asunto: PREPA IRP 2018 Preliminary Results of the Long Term Capacity Expansion Plan 06/noviembre/2018 2018/11/06 Documento
PREPA’s Motion to Submmits Updated Report Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for and Expedited Technical Conference 06/noviembre/2018 2018/11/06 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance with the September 28th Order and IRP Timeline   06/noviembre/2018 2018/11/06 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for an Expedited Technical Conference 02/noviembre/2018 2018/11/02 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Motion regarding submission of Scenario 3 preliminary results and November 2, 2018 Technical Conference Call 31/octubre/2018 2018/10/31 Documento
PREPA’s (1) Compliance Filing (Partial), (2) Motion to Provide Initial Scenario 3 Results on November 1, and (3) Motion to Start November 2 Technical Conference One Hour Later Asunto: PREPA’s (1) Compliance Filing (Partial), (2) Motion to Provide Initial Scenario 3 Results on November 1, and (3) Motion to Start November 2 Technical Conference One […] 31/octubre/2018 2018/10/31 Documento
Order Asunto: Instituto de Competitividad y Sostenibilidad Económica de Puerto Rico (ICSE) Motion Regarding PREPA’s IRP Timeline 30/octubre/2018 2018/10/30 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: November 2, 2018 Technical Conference Call 30/octubre/2018 2018/10/30 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for an Expedited Technical Conference Asunto: Preliminary Results of the Long Term Capacity Expansion Plan (Presentation) 26/octubre/2018 2018/10/26 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for an Expedited Technical Conference Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for an Expedited Technical Conference 26/octubre/2018 2018/10/26 Documento
PREPA’s Compliance with the Energy Bureau’s September 28th Order Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance with the Energy Bureau’s September 28th Order 15/octubre/2018 2018/10/15 Documento
Motion Commeting PREPA’s Informative Motion Regarding IRP Timeline Asunto: (ICSE) PREPA’s (1) Compliance with the Energy Bureau’s September 5th and 18th Orders and (2) Informative Motion Regarding IRP Timeline 05/octubre/2018 2018/10/05 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s Compliance with the September 5th an 18th Orders and Informative Motion Regarding IRP Timeline 28/septiembre/2018 2018/09/28 Documento
PREPA’s (1) Compliance with the Energy Bureau’s September 5th and 18th Orders and (2) Informative Motion Regarding IRP Timeline Asunto: PREPA’s (1) Compliance with the Energy Bureau’s September 5th and 18th Orders and (2) Informative Motion Regarding IRP Timeline 26/septiembre/2018 2018/09/26 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: PREPA’s request for clarification of certain aspects of the September 5, 2018 Resolution and Order 18/septiembre/2018 2018/09/18 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Technical Conference Call 11/septiembre/2018 2018/09/11 Documento
PREPA’s Motion for Expedited Clarification of Certain Aspects of the Energy Bureau’s Resolution and Order of September 5, 2018 Asunto: PREPA’s Motion for Expedited Clarification of Certain Aspects of the Energy Bureau’s Resolution and Order of September 5, 2018 11/septiembre/2018 2018/09/11 Documento
Resolution and Order (Appendix B) Asunto: Evaluation of Additional Scenarios as part of the IRP Devolopment 05/septiembre/2018 2018/09/05 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Evaluation of Additional Scenarios as part of the IRP Development 05/septiembre/2018 2018/09/05 Documento
PREPA’s Combined Compliance Filing and Memorandum on Confidentiality for Item Due August 31, 2018 Asunto: PREPA’s Combined Compliance Filing and Memorandum on Confidentiality for Item Due August 31, 2018 31/agosto/2018 2018/08/31 Documento
Resolution Asunto: PREPA’s Confidentiality Request for Certain Items of the August 27, 2018 Compliance Filing 31/agosto/2018 2018/08/31 Documento
Public Comments (Assured Guaranty & National Public Finance) Asunto: Intervenor’s Additional Comments and Questions Following the August 14, 2018 Technical Conference 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
PREPA’s Combined Compliance Filing and Memorandum on Confidentiality for Items Due August 24, 2018 Asunto: Draft-Load Forecast PREPA 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
PREPA’s Combined Compliance Filing and Memorandum on Confidentiality for Items Due August 24, 2018 Asunto: Draft-Demand Side Management Cost Calculation for PREPA 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
PREPA’s Combined Compliance Filing and Memorandum on Confidentiality for Items Due August 24, 2018 Asunto: PREPA 2018 IRP-Stakeholder Engagement Workshops Summary 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
PREPA’s Combined Compliance Filing and Memorandum on Confidentiality for Items Due August 24, 2018 Asunto: Draft Siemens- PREPA IRP Load Forecast 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
PREPA’s Combined Compliance Filing and Memorandum on Confidentiality for Items Due August 24, 2018 Asunto: Draft Siemens-Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Project for PREPA IRP 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
PREPA’s Combined Compliance Filing and Memorandum on Confidentiality for Items Due August 24, 2018 Asunto: PREPA’s Combined Compliance Filing and Memorandum on Confidentiality for Items Due August 24, 2018 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
Motion to Submit Questions and Comments Regarding Information Presented at the Technical Conference of August 14, 2018 (PV Properties, Inc) Asunto: Public Comments during Prefiling Process 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
Public Comments II (Sierra Club) Asunto no disponible. 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
Public Comments I (Sierra Club) Asunto no disponible. 27/agosto/2018 2018/08/27 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Public Comments during Prefiling Process 21/agosto/2018 2018/08/21 Documento
Public Comments (Sierra Club, CAMBIO PR, Inc. & ELAC) Asunto: Request for Public Comment Period During Pre-Filing Process, In Re: Review of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Integrated Resource Plan, Case No. CEPR-AP-2018-0001 17/agosto/2018 2018/08/17 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Requirement of Information after Technical Conference 17/agosto/2018 2018/08/17 Documento
August 14, 2018 IRP Technical Conference Recording Asunto: Technical Conference held on August 14, 2018. 14/agosto/2018 2018/08/14 Escuchar
August 14, 2018 IRP Technical Conference – PREPA’s Presentation Asunto no disponible. 14/agosto/2018 2018/08/14 Documento
ICSE Submittal of Consideration Questions for Commission’s Consideration Asunto: IRP 2018 Prefiling Process Determination of Completeness of August 1, 2018 Compliance Filing with Commission’s Consideration 13/agosto/2018 2018/08/13 Documento
Questions for the Technical Conference (ELAC) Asunto: Questions for Technical Conference 13/agosto/2018 2018/08/13 Documento
Information Submission and Answer to Request of Information Asunto: PREPA’s Information Submission and Answer in Response to Commission’s Order 13/agosto/2018 2018/08/13 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: IRP 2018 Prefiling Process, Determination of Completeness of August 1, 2018 Compliance Filing with Commission’s July 2, 2018 Order 08/agosto/2018 2018/08/08 Documento
Intervenors’ Topics and Questions for Consideration in Establishing the Agenda for August 14, 2018 Technical Conference Asunto: Intervenors’ Topics and Questions for Consideration in Establishing the Agenda for August 14, 2018 Technical Conference 07/agosto/2018 2018/08/07 Documento
Resolución Asunto: Designación de Oficial Examinador; Formato de Conferencia Técnica 02/agosto/2018 2018/08/02 Documento
Resolution Asunto: Appointment of Hearing Examiner; Technical Conference Format 02/agosto/2018 2018/08/02 Documento
PREPA’S Compliance Filing for Items Due August 1, 2018 Asunto: PREPA’S Compliance Filing for Items Due August 1, 2018 01/agosto/2018 2018/08/01 Documento
Order Asunto: IRP Prefiling Process (Phase 1) 02/julio/2018 2018/07/02 Documento
Order Asunto: Order pursuant to Act 83, Act 57-2014 and Regulation 9021 directing PREPA to file an updated IRP for Commission review and approval no later than October […] 29/mayo/2018 2018/05/29 Documento
Resolution and Order Asunto: Commencement of Review Proceeding and Order Establishing Initial Submission Timeline 15/marzo/2018 2018/03/15 Documento

Antonio Torres-Miranda is presently an Associate Commissioner for the Energy Bureau of the Puerto Rico Public Service Regulatory Board (Energy Bureau). Previously, Mr. Torres had been the Director of the Legal Advisory Division of the Energy Bureau.

Mr. Torres has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Puerto Rico. He also has a master’s degree in engineering management from the Polytechnical University of Puerto Rico. In the 1990’s he passed the exam to be a Certified Energy Manager. He is presently a member of the Puerto Rico Professional College of Engineer and Land Surveyors.

Mr. Torres graduated with honors from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico where he obtained his Juris Doctor degree. He is presently member of the bar of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and is a member of the U.S. District of Puerto Rico Federal bar.

He commenced his engineering work experience with the Department of Defense in a Naval base in Virginia were he designed industrial ventilation systems. He then went to New York to work with Kennetech Energy Management were he first commenced being immersed in the energy sector. He then transferred to Puerto Rico with Kennetech in which he conducted wind studies throughout the island together with U.S. Wind Power. He continued implementation of energy management systems in several industrial companies throughout Puerto Rico until Kennetech joined forces with Enron to develop the first privately owned power plant in Puerto Rico known as EcoElectrica. This 450 MW natural gas power plant included the development of the first LNG terminal in Puerto Rico.

He also worked as a contractor with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority in the development of a 42 miles natural gas pipeline.

Before joining the Energy Bureau Mr. Torres developed several natural gas projects in Puerto Rico.

Ferdinand Ramos-Soegaard attained a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (BSEE) graduating from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA in 2000. His degree specialized in power distribution and telecommunications systems.

Mr. Ramos-Soegaard is a licensed professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the state of Florida. Throughout his professional carrier Mr. Ramos has been involved in all aspects of the design, construction and maintenance of electrical distribution systems, including high voltage transmission lines and renewable energy interconnections to the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority subtransmission grid.

Sylvia B. Ugarte Araujo holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Florida (1998). She studied at the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico School of Law (2004) and then obtained a Master of Laws from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico (2019). Ms. Ugarte is admitted to the practice of law and notary by the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico (2004), the Federal Court for the District of Puerto Rico, for the First Circuit of Boston (2005), the Court of Appeals of the First Circuit (2005) and the Supreme Court of Texas (2018). She was Director of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Energy Bureau of the Public Service Regulatory Board and the Designated Director of the Office of Legal Counsel of the Public Service Regulatory Board. She has served as Legal Director of the Puerto Rico Infrastructure Financing Authority and has worked with renowned law firms. She has over fifteen (15) years of vast professional experience as a trial attorney with an emphasis on commercial and construction litigation and extensive experience in administrative law. Also, as an industrial engineer she has been a consultant for government agencies in charge of large projects and in private entities.

Lillian Mateo-Santos obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, in 1993 and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Puerto Rico School of Law in 1996. In 1999, she obtained a degree of Masters of Laws (LLM) in Environmental and Energy of the Tulane University Law School. Before joining the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau, Ms. Mateo-Santos was a member of various law firms. Her private practice was focused on energy, environmental, land use and permitting matters, including administrative law litigation.

On June 5, 2019, Ms. Mateo-Santos was elected 2nd Vice President of the Southeastern Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (SEARUC). She is a member of the American Bar Association and is admitted to practice law and notary law in Puerto Rico, and the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

Edison Avilés-Deliz obtained his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with specialties in Power and Control Systems (BSEE) Cum Laude from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus in 1991 and a Juris Doctor (JD) also Cum Laude from the University of Puerto Rico School of Law in 1997. In addition, he holds Master degrees with Distinctions in Diplomacy/International Relations/Business (MA) from Norwich University in Vermont and in Energy Law from Vermont Law School (LLM).

Avilés-Deliz is a licensed engineer and member of the College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico (CIAPR). He was president of the Disciplinary and Professional Ethics Tribunal of the CIAPR, of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of CIAPR and of the Society of Electrical Engineers of Puerto Rico. He is admitted to practice as a public notary in Puerto Rico and as a lawyer, both in the District Court of Puerto Rico and the Court of Appeals for the First Federal Circuit.

He is a member of Phi Eta Mu Fraternity, the Engineering Honor Society Tau Beta Pi, and the International Studies Honor Society Sigma Iota Rho. He is also a Senior member of the IEEE.

Antonio Torres-Miranda es actualmente Comisionado Asociado del Negociado de Energía de la Junta Reglamentadora de Servicios Públicos de Puerto Rico (Negociado de Energía). Anteriormente, el Sr. Torres había sido Director de la División de Asesoría Legal del Negociado de Energía.

El Sr. Torres tiene un bachillerato en ingeniería mecánica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. También tiene una maestría en administración de ingeniería de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. En la década de 1990 aprobó el examen para ser Gerente de Energía Certificado. Actualmente es miembro del Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico.

El Sr. Torres se graduó con honores de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico donde obtuvo su título de Juris Doctor (JD). Actualmente es miembro del Colegio de Abogados del Estado de Puerto Rico y es miembro del Colegio de Abogados Federal del Distrito de Puerto Rico de los Estados Unidos.

Comenzó su experiencia laboral en ingeniería con el Departamento de Defensa en una base naval en Virginia donde diseñó sistemas de ventilación industrial. Luego se fue a Nueva York para trabajar con Kennetech Energy Management, donde comenzó a sumergirse en el sector energético. Luego se transfirió a Puerto Rico con Kennetech, donde realizó estudios eólicos en toda la isla U.S. Wind Power. Continuó con la implementación de sistemas de administración de energía en varias empresas industriales en todo Puerto Rico hasta que Kennetech unió fuerzas con Enron para desarrollar la primera planta de energía de propiedad privada en Puerto Rico conocida como EcoEléctrica. Esta planta de energía de gas natural de 450 MW incluyó el desarrollo de la primera terminal de GNL en Puerto Rico.

También trabajó como contratista con la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica de Puerto Rico en el desarrollo de una tubería de gas natural de 42 millas.

Antes de unirse al Negociado de Energía, el Sr. Torres desarrolló varios proyectos de gas natural en Puerto Rico.

La Lcda. Sylvia B. Ugarte Araujo posee un Bachillerato en Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas de la Universidad de la Florida (1998). Estudió en la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico (2004) y luego obtuvo una Maestría en Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico (2019). La Lcda. Ugarte está admitida a la práctica de la abogacía y la notaría por el Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico (2004), al Tribunal Federal, Distrito de Puerto Rico, al Primer Circuito Federal de Boston (2005), al Tribunal de Apelaciones del Primer Circuito (2005) y al Tribunal Supremo de la jurisdicción del estado de Texas (2018). Fue Directora de la Oficina de Asesoramiento Legal del Negociado de Energía de la Junta Reglamentadora de Servicio Público y la Directora Designada de la Oficina de Asesoramiento Legal de la Junta Reglamentadora de Servicio Público. Ha ejercido como Directora Legal de la Autoridad para el Financiamiento de la Infraestructura de Puerto Rico y ha trabajado con bufetes de abogado de renombre. Tiene sobre quince (15) años de vasta experiencia profesional como abogada litigante con énfasis en litigio comercial y construcción y una amplia experiencia en derecho administrativo. Así también, como ingeniera industrial ha sido consultora para agencias gubernamentales encargadas de proyectos de envergadura y en entidades privadas.

Ferdinand A. Ramos-Soegaard obtuvo su Bachillerato en Ciencias en Ingeniería Eléctrica (BSEE, por sus siglas en inglés) del Georgia Institute of Technology en Atlanta, GA en el 2000, con especialidad en sistemas de distribución de potencia y telecomunicaciones.

Ramos-Soegaard es ingeniero licenciado en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico y en el Estado de Florida. A través de su carrera profesional, Ramos-Soegaard ha estado envuelto en todos los aspectos del diseño, construcción y mantenimiento de sistemas de distribución eléctrica, incluyendo líneas de transmisión de alto voltaje e interconexiones de sistemas de energía renovable a la red de subtransmisión de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica de Puerto Rico.

Lillian Mateo-Santos obtuvo su Bachillerato en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras en 1993 y el grado de Juris Doctor de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en 1996. En 1999 obtuvo una Maestría en Derecho (LLM) en Ambiental y Energía de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Tulane. Antes de formar parte del Negociado de Energía de Puerto Rico, la Lic. Mateo-Santos fue miembro de varios bufetes de abogados. Su práctica privada se enfocó en asuntos de energía, ambiental, uso de terrenos y permisos, incluyendo litigación de derecho administrativo.

El 5 de junio de 2019, la Lic. Mateo-Santos fue elegida 2nda Vice Presidenta del Southern Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (SEARUC). Es miembro de la American Bar Association y está admitida para ejercer como abogado y notario público en Puerto Rico, y en el Tribunal de Apelaciones para el Primer Circuito Federal.

Edison Avilés-Deliz obtuvo su bachillerato Cum Laude en Ingeniería Eléctrica con especialidades en Sistemas de Controles y Potencia (BSEE) de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez en 1991 y un Juris Doctor (JD) también Cum Laude de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en 1997. Además, ostenta maestrías con Distinciones en Diplomacia/Relaciones Internacionales/Negocios (MA) de la Universidad de Norwich en Vermont y en Derecho en Energía de la Universidad de Derecho de Vermont (LLM).

Avilés-Deliz es ingeniero licenciado y miembro del Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de Puerto Rico (CIAPR). Fue presidente del Tribunal Disciplinario y de Ética Profesional del CIAPR, del Instituto de Ingenieros Electricistas del CIAPR y de la Sociedad de Ingenieros Electricistas de Puerto Rico. Está admitido para ejercer como notario público en Puerto Rico y como abogado, tanto en el Tribunal de Distrito de Puerto Rico como el Tribunal de Apelaciones para el Primer Circuito Federal.

Pertenece a la fraternidad Phi Eta Mu, a la Sociedad de Honor de Ingeniería Tau Beta Pi, a la Sociedad de Honor de Estudios Internacionales Sigma Iota Rho. También es miembro senior de la IEEE.